Popular Uses of the Internet for Education

The internet has transformed education in profound ways, providing both students and teachers with vast resources, tools, and opportunities to enhance the learning experience. From accessing vast libraries of information to facilitating collaboration across borders, the internet plays a pivotal role in modern education. Below are some of the most popular and impactful uses of […]
Application of New Technologies in Education

The integration of new technologies into education has the potential to significantly improve the quality of learning and teaching. However, to fully harness this potential, decisions regarding the application of these technologies must align with broader strategic goals for educational development. These decisions should consider the various aspects of education where ICTs can make a […]
PSFU-NBS Television e-conference: In Support of Prof. Wasswa Balunywa on Education Reform in Uganda

I followed the views of Professor Waswa Balunywa, Principal of Makerere University Business School during the online NBS television e-conference organised by the Private Sector Foundation Uganda and the UN Women from May 3-4, 2020. This was among the first and enriching conferences during the Lockdown imposed by the government due to the Covid 19 […]
Uganda Communications Commission to Establish an Innovation Test-bed for Existing and Emerging Technologies.
According the UCC Website, the Uganda Communications Commission, plans to Establish an Innovation Test-bed for Existing and Emerging Technologies (5G, IoT, AI, ML/M2M, DLTs, IPV6, etc.). The Commission shall hold an online stakeholder consultation meeting for the same, on Thursday, May 7th 2020. The meeting will explore the setup & implementation of sustainable innovation test-beds that […]
KAWA and Makerere University Business School to Launch an eLearning Platform

This innovation has developed as a collaborative initiative between KAWA, Association of Secondary Schools Head teachers of Uganda and Makerere University Business School as a quick response to the challnges brought by the closure of schools. The Corona Virus pandemic and the associated mitigation measures such as country wide lockdown has limited student’s access to […]
KAWA opens a Technology and Hospitality Institute
A new Institute known as KAWA Institute of Technology and Hospitality Institute (KITH) in Jinja. It is located at Nile Gardens near the New Vision office. This Instiute which earlier started as design hub for sharing space and promotion of start ups has grown to offer short courses to one year courses focussing on developing […]
By Moses Wamanga KAWA with the funding from Uganda Communications Commission was mandated by the Ministry of Education and Sports to implement tooling and retooling of teachers of ICT and Computer Studies in Mbale region in a five-day workshop at Mbale Senior Secondary from 7th to 12th May 2018. This detailed report explores what transpired in the 5 days, recommendations and the content […]
National ICT Teachers Capacity Development workshop held at Kololo SS
By Moses Wamanga The ICT teachers of Government and Private Secondary Schools through Uganda ICT Teacher’s Association (UITA) held a powerful 2-day capacity building workshop that ended Thursday September 6, 2018 at Kololo SS main Hall. This also doubled as the first Annual General Meeting (AGM) for the Association. The Executive committee was officially elected and […]