
Transforming Education Through Technology and Capacity Building

By Moses Wamanga

The ICT teachers of Government and Private Secondary Schools through Uganda ICT Teacher’s Association (UITA) held a powerful 2-day capacity building workshop that ended Thursday September 6, 2018 at Kololo SS main Hall. This also doubled as the first Annual General Meeting (AGM) for the Association. The Executive committee was officially elected and confirmed by the representatives who came from the whole country.

The participants were greatly inspired by experienced and motivational speakers who took them through a fully packed program ranging from Desktop publishing, Web Design, establishing and managing ICT clubs and how to set and manage qualitative ICT assessment for O’ level and A’ Level.

Richard Chole represented KAWA and led a session on School ICT Clubs. Together with KAWA under the UCC funded ICT Clubs Pilot Scheme, Richard has been mentoring teachers and students in about twenty schools country wide to start and manage ICT Clubs.

In the discussions which followed especially on the teachers’ Whatsapp platforms, many teachers from other schools which were not part of the pilot schools expressed interest in being part of the program but it was not possible in the short run since it was only a pilot. In this session, KAWA facilitator briefly shared with the ICT teachers how they can kick start ICT clubs in their schools with the resources they have. In future if the UCC funded program is rolled out to more schools, then they will quickly get on board since they will already have some formations on ground, which will simply get boosted.

He also highlighted the benefits of ICT Clubs in schools, possible club activities, projects and workplans. He also gave more tips to the teachers on how to inspire creativity and innovation among students and also share with them examples of Avenues for Global Citizenship and Impact such as the World Technovation Challenge.

Chole Richard is an advocate and passionate practitioner of best practices and integration of ICT in education. He is a Secondary School teacher and Master Teacher of International Education Resource Network (iEARN) where he facilitates a students’ global collaborative learning project, Envision My Ideal World. He worked for ten years as an educator with Adobe Youth Voices, an international learner driven purposeful multimedia production program for teenagers using concepts of project-based learning under local patronage of SchoolNet Uganda. He is a Microsoft Innovative Educator, emerging one of 18 best in (MIA) Microsoft Forum for Middle East and Africa in 2012. He is very much inclined to engaging students in inter-disciplinary learning through purposeful multimedia creation. He has participated and presented at several international conferences dedicated to promotion of ICT in Education and Development. He is an associate member of Kisubi Associated Writers Agency (KAWA) and currently a teacher at PMM Girls’ School where he teaches Literature in English and English Language.

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