Dabani Girls Secondary School is located in Dabani Parish, Dabani Sub County, Busia District of Eastern Uganda.
On this page, you will get more information on Dabani Girls School, New Curriculum Implementation, Teaching and Learning Resources, ICT Club as well as Staff Professional Development.
Dabani Secondary School Facilities
Dabani Girls School is a powerful Girls only educational institution in Dabani, Busia District, with the following with excellent Classrooms, Laboratories, Libraries, and Latrine Stances, dormitories, Staff quarters and high-speed internet.
Dabani Girls Secondary School ICT Club
The KAWA team delivered talks and engaged in conversations with some of the club members. Some of the students enthusiastically shared their learning project works that they already were embarking on. The KAWA team handed to the club about 100 T-Shirts branded in UCC logos, and a pair of Samsung Galaxy tablets donated by UCC for implementing club activities.
The pilot project is UCC’s long-term commitment to supporting clubs in maintenance and basic repairs of computers and accessories in their respective schools.
UCC/KAWA Launching-ICT-clubs-Session
However, KAWA’s mandate goes beyond maintenance and repair to building capacity in the participating learners to utilize ICT to leverage 21st-century learning practices and make ICT more relevant in their lives and education.
Key objectives outlined are:
• Building in the students the skills of using ICT more effectively and responsibly.
• Enabling creativity and innovation, critical thinking, and problem-solving mentality
• Being able to integrate ICT in mainstream disciplines, other clubs, and schools’ activities for learning purposes.
• Being able to purposefully network, collaborate, and work as a team.
• Empowering learners to address real issues affecting their communities and finding solutions to them through innovative learning projects.
• Developing a sense of ownership of and taking part in the maintenance of equipment of their respective ICT departments.
KAWA’s talk with the club learners encompassed the aims and objectives of the project, 21st-century challenges and opportunities that young people must equip themselves to face, and employability skills – hard and soft.
Clubs members were urged to act responsibly in interacting with their schools’ ICT properties and to guard them jealously. They were also urged to fully participate in Lab maintenance as a principal club learning activity.
Each of the club is expected to come up with at least one innovative learning activity. Outstanding clubs will be recognized for their efforts.
Tooling and Retooling of teachers.
Expect more updates on this page and the individual school website about the progress made by KAWA towards the tooling and retooling of teachers from this school and the new plans for teacher professional development. Gaps to be addressed by KAWA Uganda Workshops include the Pedagogical skills gap, ICT skills gap, Formative assessment gap, Understanding and interpretation of the syllabus gap.
Other Modules are using ICT in assessment for Learning and Record keeping, Implementation of the New Competence-Based Curriculum and New teacher policy, Learner Centred Teaching and Learning, Integration of ICT for enhanced teaching and learning, Classroom management, and Project-Based Learning in this school.
ICT Computer Laboratories
UCC through UCUSAF has installed ICT computer labs in over 1,000 secondary schools, tertiary institutions, and universities. All these schools currently teach the ICT subject either at O-level or/and A-Level.
UCC/UCUSAF identifies the sustainability of ICT laboratories in Schools and Colleges as a major Challenge. A study done in 2018 found that 40% of the laboratories were in semi-operable condition (RCDF Report). The maintenance issues identified were of a kind that could easily be trouble-shot by a trained computer teacher.
Even Schools that have not yet received Computers from UCC are being supported through teachers’ capacity building.
Climax High School, New Curriculum Implementation, Teaching and Learning Resources, ICT Club, Staff Professional Development.

Implementation Lower Secondary Competency-Based Curriculum (CBC)
Schools are implementing the Lower Secondary Competency-Based Curriculum (CBC) with S.1 learners as they progress to the next class. With the support of NCDC and the Master Trainers, teachers are gaining a deeper understanding of the implementation of the curriculum.
Project-Based Learning (PBL) is a key focus with projects that students will undertake at every end of the topic. Teachers will then be required to note the student’s progress before any new topic is introduced.
KAWA recommends the creation of Teacher mentors and a Professional Learning Community (PLC) in the school so that teachers who have not been oriented to the revised curriculum can get help from their colleagues at school to understand the expectations of the new curriculum.
In the new curriculum, there is a provision for the pre-Vocational component of education which is in the line with the World of Work requirements and in line with the Skilling Uganda strategy. This is aimed at preparing learners at an early age with the opportunity to understand and appreciate vocational work, recognize its importance and later join the world of work in this area.
Subjects that will benefit from this arrangement include performing arts, Agriculture, ICT, Nutrition and Food Technology, Art and Design, Technology and Design, Physical Education, and Entrepreneurship.
Learners studying these subjects will have the option of being assessed in the occupational competence equivalent to Level 1 at the Directorate of Industrial Training (DIT) at the end of senior three.