
Transforming Education Through Technology and Capacity Building

Nwoya District is a district in Northern Uganda bordered by Amuru District to the north, Gulu District to the northeast, Oyam District to the east, Kiryandongo District, Masindi District and Buliisa District to the south. Nebbi District lies to the west of Nwoya District. 

The district has 8 sub counties, 33 Parishes and 86 villages. The District has over 96 schools currently with 22 Nursery Schools, 66 Primary Schools, 8 Secondary Schools.

Secondary Schools in Nwoya District

Agung Community Secondary Schools
Alero Comprehensive College
Alero Secondary School
Anaka Secondary Schools
Koch Goma Secondary School
Pope Paul Vi Secondary School
Purongo Seed School
Purongo Senior Secondary School

Primary Schools in Nwoya District

Agung P.7 School
Ajubi Primary School
Alelelele Primary School
Alero P.7 School
Alokolumu Gok Primary School
Amuru Alero Primary School
Anak Central School
Anaka Kulu-amuka Primary School
Anaka P. 7 School
Anaka Public Primary School
Aparanga Primary School
Ave Maria Primary School
Bidin Primary School
Bright Future Int School
Bungu Primary School
Coo-rom P.7 School
God’s Mercy Primary School
Goma Central Primary School
Good Start Primary School
Goro Primary School
Got Apwoyo Primary School
Gotngur Primary School
Green Light Primary School
Kamguru Primary School
Kinene P.7 School
Koch – Amar Primary School
Koch Goma Public Primary School
Koch Lii Central Primary School
Koch Lii Pakiya Primary School
Koch Lii Primary School
Koch-goma P.7 School
Koch-kalang Primary School
Koch-laminato Primary School
Lalar P. 7 School
Lamoki P.7 School
Logo Free Primary School
Lukai Primary School
Lulyango Primary School
Lungulu Primary School
Lutuk Primary School
Maryland Comprehensive Academy
Mother Caroline Primary School
Motherland Primary School
Olwiyo Model Primary School
Olwiyo P.7 School
Ongai Primary School
Orua Comm Primary School
Oruka Primary School
Paminyai P.7 School
Paraa Primary School
Patira P.7 School
Pro’lar Christian School
Purongo Hill �p.7 School
Purongo Primary School
St. Andrew Primary School
St. Daniel Gotmoro Primary School
St. Kizito Alero Cuku Primary School
St. Kizito Bidati Primary School
St. Luke Te-olam Primary School
St. Peter S Bwobo-nam P.7 School
Sunrise Primary School
Te – Okono Primary School
Trinity Primary School
Verrina Christian Heritage Primary School
Wii Anaka Primary School
Wilacic Primary School