
Transforming Education Through Technology and Capacity Building

Kyenjojo District is a District found in the Toro Sub-Region of Western Uganda. The district has 18 sub counties, 104 Parishes and 638 villages. The District has over 519 schools currently with 180 Nursery Schools, 304 Primary Schools, 33 Secondary Schools, 1 Teachers College Schools.

Secondary schools in Kyenjojo district

Bufunjo Secondary School
Butiiti Centenary S S
Camel High Sch.
Dreamland High School
Kaihura Parent S Secondary School
Kantinya Hillside High School
Kasaba Unique
Katooke Modern Secondary School
Katooke Secondary School
Kigaraale Community Seed Secondary School
Kisojo Secondary Schools.
Kyakatwire High School
Kyamutunzi Secondary School
Kyarusozi High School
Kyenjojo Integrated School
Kyenjojo Secondary Schools.
Maddox Secondary Schools.
Mparo Parents
Nyankwanzi High School
Nyarukoma Secondary School
Paradise Secondary School
Raise & Shine Secondary Schools
Rugorra Community Seed School
St. Adolf H. S Katoosa
St. Anatoli Secondary School – Kagoma
St. Benedict Joseph Secondary School
St. Edward School – Nyarukoma
St. Joseph S Hill Secondary School
St. Jude Secondary School
St. Klaus Comprehensive School
The Lord Provides High School
Trinity High School Nyakisi
Xeviour Secondary School Rugombe


Primary schools in Kyenjojo district

Aloysious & Revocate Memorial Primary School
Always Shine Junior School
Angels Valley Primary School
Badiida Primary School
Barahiija Primary School
Batalika Model Primary School
Bigando Primary School
Biheehe Primary School
Brain Trust Primary School
Bright Angels Primary School
Bright Angels Primary School
Bright Future Primary School
Bright Light Primary School
Bright Star Primary School
Brilliant Infant School
Brother Care Primary School
Bucuni Primary School
Bufunjo Modern Primary School
Bufunjo Progressive Primary School
Buhemba Primary School
Buhuura Primary School
Bukongwa Primary School
Bukora Primary School
Bulenga Primary School
Buramba Primary School
Busaiga Primary School
Busanza Primary School
Businge Christian Primary School
Butiiti Boys Primary School
Butiiti Girls Primary School
Butunduzi Primary School
Bwenzi Primary School
Bwera Primary School
Bwigombe Primary School
Byerwa Primary School
Byeya Primary School
C.bird Academy
Clever Joy Primary School
Cuckoo-land Memorial Primary School
De-winter Infant Primary School
Doha Islamic School
Excel Day Primary School
Excel Primary School
Excel Primary School
Galihuuma Primary School
Gayobyo Primary School
Generations Junior School
God Is Able Primary School
God`s Grace Primary School
God`s Grace Primary School
Good Hope Primary School
Good Sherpherd Junior School
Good Will Primary School
Great Mother Education Centre
Green Model Primary School
Hakatoma Primary School
Hamukuku Primary School
Heavenly Primary School
Hidden Treasure Primary School
High Quality Primary School
Holy Trinity Primary School
Home Light Infant Primary School
Hope Academy Primary School
Horeb Primary School
Iborooga Primary School
Igoma Primary School
Igongwe Primary School
Igurika Parents Primary School
Ikoba Public Primary School
Iraara Primary School
Isoroma Parents Primary School
Isunga Masozi Primary School
Joy Christian Primary School
Joy Primary School
Kabale A Primary School
Kabale Parent`s Primary School
Kaburanda Primary School
Kafunda Primary School
Kagoma Primary School
Kagorogoro Adventist Primary School
Kagorogoro Primary School
Kahanda Primary School
Kahyoro Primary School
Kaihamba Primary School
Kaihura Primary School
Kaisamba Primary School
Kajuma Primary School
Kakira Primary School
Kamugasa Infant School
Kandama Parents Primary School
Kanyaba Cope Primary School
Kanyegaramire S.g Primary School
Kanyinya Progressive Primary School
Kanyinya Standard Primary School
Karokalungi Primary School
Kasaba Parent’s Primary School
Kasaba Standard Primary School
Kasamba Primary School
Katambale Primary School
Katembe Primary School
Katooke Modern Day & Boarding Primary School
Katoosa Primary School
Katunguru Primary School
Kawaruju Primary School
Kengabi  primary School
Kibira Fountain Academy
Kibira Modern Nursery & Primary School
Kicuucu Primary School
Kidudu Primary School
Kigabu Parents Primary School
Kigando Foundation Primary School
Kigarale Primary School
Kigunda Primary School
Kihumuro Primary School
Kijugo Primary School
Kijwiga Primary School
Kikoda Primary School
King David Primary School
King Jesus Primary School
Kings Way Model School
Kiregesa Primary School
Kirongo Primary School
Kisangi Mothercare Primary School
Kisangi Primary School
Kisansa Primary School
Kisojo Primary School
Kiswarra Primary School
Kitabona Primary School
Kitagweta Primary School
Kitaihuka Primary School
Kitega Primary School
Kitonkya Primary School
Kitugutu Trust Primary School
Kyabaranga Primary School
Kyaduuli Hope Infant School
Kyakahirwa Primary School
Kyakahyoro Primary School
Kyakatwire Primary School
Kyakayombya Primary School
Kyamusambya Foundation Primary School
Kyamutunzi Primary School
Kyankaramata Primary School
Kyankuuta Primary School
Kyanyama Primary School
Kyanyinaibale Tophill Primary School
Kyarugangama Primary School
Kyarusozi Brillant Primary School
Kyarusozi Golden Star Primary School
Kyarusozi Primary School
Kyembogo Primary School
Kyenjojo Primary School
Kyentaama Primary School
Kyongera Parents Primary School
Kyongo Bright Future Primary School
Light Angels Primary School
Light Angels Primary School
Light Primary School
Little Star Primary School
Living Hope Primary School
Lucky Primary School
Lucky Stars Primary School
Mabaale Parents Primary School
Mabira Primary School
Makarra Star Primary School
Makerere Primary School
Marumbu Primary School
Mary And Martha Primary School
Mary Grigg Christian School
Mary Hill Junior School
Mbale Primary School
Mburura Sub Primary School
Miracle Of Hope Primary School
Mirongo Primary School
Mitooma Quality Primary School
Moreau Primary School
Mother Care Primary School
Mother Care Primary School
Mother Care Primary School
Mount Zion Primary School
Mparo Primary School
Mpongo Parents Primary School
Mubangizi Parents
Mugoma Primary School
Muhumure Primary School
Mukole Infant Care Primary School
Mukole Primary School
Mwaro S.b Primary School
Mwenge Junior Primary School
Mwenge South Preparatory Primary School
Mwenge Star Primary School
Ncumbi Primary School
New Day Primary School
New Hope Primary School
New Life Primary School
New Model Junior School
Noshp Child Care Centre Primary School
Nsanja Parents Primary School
Nsinde Primary School
Ntyaza Parents’ Primary School
Nyabirongo Primary School
Nyabubare Private Primary School
Nyabusozi Parents Primary School
Nyabusozi Primary School
Nyaibanda Parents Primary School
Nyakabungo Primary School
Nyakahaama Primary School
Nyakasenyi Primary School
Nyakatoma Junior School
Nyakatoma Model Primary School
Nyakatoma Parents Primary School
Nyakisi Primary School
Nyamabaale Primary School
Nyamabuga Primary School
Nyamango Primary School
Nyamyezi Primary School
Nyankwanzi Primary School
Nyantungo Primary School
Nyarukoma Primary School
Nyaruzigati Primary School
O.r.o Bisaka Rwentale Primary School
Our Child Primary School
Paradise Primary School
Parental Care Primary School
Peak Primary School
Petro Kyamulesire Memorial Primary School
Pida God’s Grace Primary School
Plus Three Primary School
Pride Primary School
Prime Junior School
Progressive Primary School
Progressive Primary School
Quality Junior School
Real Foundation Primary School
Right Mother Preparatory School
Rock Star Primary School
Royal Kids Primary School
Rubango Primary School
Rubona .s
Rugorra Primary School
Ruhoko Primary School
Rukiizi Primary School
Rukukuru Modern Primary School
Rukukuru Sub- Grade Primary School
Rwabaganda Primary School
Rwaitengya Primary School
Rwamukoora Primary School
Rwebijuza Primary School
Rwempike  parents Primary School
Rwemyongo Primary School
Rwenjaza Hillside Primary School
Rwenjaza Parents Primary School
Rwensambya Primary School
Rwentaiki Primary School
Rwentuuha Primary School
Rwibaale Primary School
Saviour Star Junior
Shine Angels Primary School
Shine Up Infants Primary School
Shineup Primary School
Shining Star Nursery And Primary School
Sparkling Gems Primary School
St Anthony Primary School
St Edward Nursery & Primary School
St Jude Primary School
St Jude Primary School
St Kizito Primary School
St Peter’s Primary School
St. Augustine S Butiiti Demostration Primary School
St. Cecilia Av Maria Hill Primary School
St. Florence Excell Primary School
St. Francis Primary School
St. Francis Primary School
St. Francis Xavier Primary School-miranga
St. Johns Kyakajwire Modal Primary School
St. Joseph Primary School
St. Joseph Kibale Primary School
St. Joseph Rwibaale Primary School
St. Joseph’s Junior School
St. Jude Kisangwa Primary School
St. Klaus Comprehensive Trade Primary School
St. Mary Primary School
St. Mary S Primary School
St. Matiya Mulumba Primary School
St. Michael Primary School
St. Peters Primary School
St. Peters Primary School
St. Stephen Primary School
Standard High Primary School
Starlight Primary School
Success Academy
Sunshine Divine Primary School
Sure Foundation School
Tanaga Primary School
Terpu Primary School
Top Care Primary School
Trinity Primary School
Trust Junior
Trust Primary School
Unique Primary School
Victory Primary School
Victory Primary School
Vision Of Hope Primary School
Webikere Primary School
Zzimbe Memorial Primary School