
Transforming Education Through Technology and Capacity Building

Kole District is a District found in the Lango Sub-Region of Northern Uganda. The district has 6 sub counties, 39 Parishes and 562 villages. The District has over 178 schools currently with 52 Nursery Schools, 107 Primary Schools, 19 Secondary Schools.

Secondary schools in Kole district

Abeli Girls Secondary School
Abilonino Trinity College
Aboke High School
Aculbanya Secondary School
Akalo Progressive Secondary
Akalo Secondary School
Alito Modern Secondary School
Alito Secondary School
Ayer Seed S S
Fr. Aloysius Secondary School Bala
Greenwich Secondary School
Kole Seed Secondary School
Mount Olive Secondary School
Okwerodot Secondary School
Otino-waa Comprehensive Secondary School
Skyland High School
Sr. Gabriella Comprehensive Secondary School
St. Joseph S Seminary Aboke
St. Mary’s College Aboke


Primary schools in Kole district

Abari Primary School
Aberdyangoto Primary School
Abigial Opeta Baptist Church Primary School
Abigial Primary School
Abilonino Demonstration School
Abim Primary School
Abongodero Boys Primary School
Abongodero Girls Primary School
Abongodic P7 School
Abur Primary School
Acankado P7 School
Aculbanya Primary School
Adellogo Primary School
Adyang P7 School
Adyeda P.7 School
Agege Junior Primary School
Agoma Primary School
Agwet P.7 School
Akalo Central Primary School
Akalo P7 School
Alang P7 School
Alelibanya P7 School
Alem Primary School
Alemi Child Dev’t Centre
Alik P7 School
Alito Leper Primary School
Alito Primary School
Alpha Primary School
Alyat Primary School
Angic Primary School
Aparango P7 School
Apedi P.7 School
Apii Primary School
Apiioguro Primary School
Atan Primary School
Atin Yesu Primary School
Aumi P7 School
Aweingwec Primary School
Ayamo Primary School
Ayara Primary School
Ayer Primary School
Ayile Parents Primary School
Ayor Mem Orial Primary School
Bala Junior School
Bala Primary School
Baramindyang Primary School
Barkalo P7 School
Barowo Primary School
Blessed Kids Primary School
Braaky Primary School
Carolyn Primary School
Charity Primary School
Damatira P7 School
Doctor Brown Primary School Kole
Edoas Foundation Primary School
Elizabeth Primary School
Gates Of Hope Primary School
Gestory Primary School
Glory Primary School
God Gives Primary School
Hope Primary School
Igel Primary School
Ilera Primary School
Imato Primary School
Light Christian School
Luka Memorial P.7 School
Lwala Parents Primary School
Lwala Primary School
Merryjoy Primary School
New Generation Primary School
New Light Primary School
Obuto Primary School
Ogwangadar Primary School
Okole Primary School
Okwerodot P.7 School
Okwor Primary School
Olipa P 7 School
Omara Foundation Primary School
Omuge Primary School
Onoro P. 7 School
Onyut Primary School
Opeta Primary School
Otino- Waa Primary School
Patrisem Primary School
Paxtu Primary School
Santela Primary School
Sardis Primary School
Savior Infant Primary School
Sir Apollo Primary School
St Paul Primary School
St. Benedictine Primary School
St. Joseph Primary School
St. Jude’s Primary School
St. Luke Littel Star Primary School
St. Marys Primary School
St. Maximilian Primary School
St. Paul Primary School Akalo
Sunrise Primary School
Tekidi Primary School
Teobia P.7 School
Tierra Infants Primary School
Tikoling Primary School
True Wisdom Primary School
Victorious Primary School
Vincent Memorial Infant Primary School Apii
Wigua Primary School
Wipip Primary School