
Transforming Education Through Technology and Capacity Building

Karenga District is a District found in the Karamoja Sub-Region of Northern Uganda. The district has 4 sub counties, 22 Parishes and 173 villages. The District has over 29 schools currently with 5 Nursery Schools, 23 Primary Schools, 1 Secondary Schools.

Secondary schools in Karenga district

Jubilee Secondary School – Karenga

Primary schools in Karenga district

Kakwanga Primary School
Kalimon Primary School
Kalokudo Primary School
Kangole Primary School
Karenga Boys’ Primary School
Karenga Girls’ Primary School
Kawalakol Primary School
Kidepo Primary School
Kocholo Primary School
Komolicher Primary School
Kumet Primary School
Lobalangit Primary School
Lokasangate Primary School
Lokiel Primary School
Lokori Primary School
Lomanok Primary School
Longerep primary School
Lowakuj Primary School
Loyoro Napore Primary School
Nalakas Primary School
Nawara Primary School
Pire Primary School
Sarachom Primary School