
Transforming Education Through Technology and Capacity Building

Kanungu District is a District found in the Kigezi Sub-Region of Western Uganda. The district has 17 sub counties, 72 Parishes and 503 villages. The District has over 349 schools currently with 59 Nursery Schools, 240 Primary Schools, 45 Secondary Schools, 2 Btvet Schools, 1 Tertiary Schools, 1 Teachers College Schools.

Top Schools in Kanungu District 2020 UCE Results

In Kanungu District UCE 2020 Examinations Results, Bishop Comboni College, Kambuga emerged the top secondary school with 67.47% pass rate from 83 candidates who sat the exams. The second place with 67.47% pass rate is Nyaka Vocational SS, Kambuga. Kinkiizi High School, Nyakatare took position 3 to seal the top three best schools in Kanungu district in the just concluded 2020 Uganda Certificate of Education UCE exams.

Top Schools in Kanungu District 2020 UCE Results


The following schools also made it among the top schools in Kanungu district. Great Lakes High School, Kanungu 18.33%, St. Teresa Girls College, Calcutta 17.54%, Kihihi Muslim SS 10%, St. Charles Lwanga SS, Zorooma 9.76%, Alliance Academy, Kambuga 9.40%, San Giovanni School, Makiro 9.26%

2020 Kanungu District UCE Results Breakdown

Division 1
% Pass
Bishop Comboni College, Kambuga
Nyaka Vocational SS, Kambuga
Kinkiizi High School, Nyakatare
Great Lakes High School, Kanungu
St. Teresa Girls College, Calcutta
Kihihi Muslim SS
St. Charles Lwanga SS, Zorooma
Alliance Academy, Kambuga
San Giovanni School, Makiro

Secondary schools in Kanungu district

Alliance Academy Secondary School
Aunt Carol Secondary School
Bishop Callist Mpungu Community Secondary School
Bishop Comboni College, Kambuga
Bright Future High School
Buhoma Community H/s
Burema Secondary School
Butogota Trinity College
Citizens Standard Secondary School
Great Lakes High School
Kambuga Secondary Schools.
Kanyantoroogo Secondary School
Katete Seed School
Kihihi Community Secondary School
Kihihi High School
Kihihi Muslim Secondary School
Kings High School
Kinkiizi High School
Kirima Community Secondary School
Kyeshero Comm Vocational Secondary School
London Image High School
Makiro Hill Girls Vocational Secondary School
Mpangango Sda High School
Nyaka Vocational Secondary School
Nyakabungo G.b.  secondary School
Nyakinoni Secondary School
Nyamirama Seed Secondary School
Nyamiyaga Secondary School
Nyanga Secondary School
Nyarugunda Secondary
Poulart Des Places Secondary School
Rugyeyo Secondary School
Rushoroza Seed School
San Giovanni S.
Sanyo Secondary School,kambuga
St. Augustine S Secondary School
St. Charles Lwanga Secondary Schools   zorooma
St. Donati Senior Secondary School
St. Eriminio High School Rushoroza
St. Erminio High School
St. Joseph Kinaaba C Ss
St. Louis Girls Secondary School
St. Mary’s College Kanungu
St. Pius Secondary School


Primary schools in Kanungu district

Bihomborwa Primary School
Bikomero Primary School
Bishop’s Primary School-kinkiizi
Bitabo Primary School
Brain Giant Primary School
Brain Wave Academy
Bright Future Nyakashozi Primary School
Bright Future Primary School
Bright Star Primary School
Brilliant Model Primary School
Bt Karama Primary School
Bubale Nursery Primary School
Bugiri Church Of Uganda Primary School
Bugongi Parents Primary School
Bugongi Primary School
Bugongi Progressive Primary School
Bugoro Primary School
Buhoma Community Primary School
Bujengwe Primary School
Bukorwe Primary School
Bukunga Primary School
Burema Day Care Primary School
Burema Parents Primary School
Burema Primary School
Buremba Cs Primary School
Burora Primary School
Bushekwe Primary School
Bushere Primary School
Bushogye Primary School
Bushoro Primary School
Busingye Academy
Butagasi Primary School
Butogota Primary School
Buyundo Church Of Uganda Community Primary School
Bwanja Primary School
Bwindi Community Primary School
Bwindi Universal Primary School
Byuma Preparatory Christian Primary School
Eden Parents Primary School
Emmanuel Primary School
Epiphany Primary School
God Cares Primary School
God’s Mercy Primary School
Gorilla Neighbours Primary School
Greenhill Primary School
Honey Qurianic Primary School
Ihembe Primary School
Ishasha Primary School
Iyagizo Primary School
Kabahesi Community Primary School
Kagambira Foundation Primary School
Kagashe Primary School
Kagunga Primary School
Kamahe Primary School
Kambuga Modern
Kambuga Parents Primary School
Kambuga Primary School
Kameme High Primary School
Kameme Primary School
Kangarame Primary School
Kaniabizo Primary School
Kanungu Model Primary School
Kanyambeho Model Primary School
Kanyantorogo Community Primary School
Kanyantoroogo Muslim Primary School
Kanyashande Primary School
Kanyashogi Primary School
Kanyungusi Primary School
Karambi Primary School
Karangara Primary School
Karubeizi Modern Primary School
Karubeizi Primary School
Karuhinda Primary School
Kashenyi Primary School
Kashesha Primary School
Kashojwa Primary School
Katebere Primary School
Katembe Primary School
Katete Primary School
Katojo Primary School
Katunda Primary School
Kayembe Parents Primary School
Kayonza Muslim Primary School
Kayonza Primary School
Kayungwe Primary School
Kazinga Primary School
Kazuru Primary School
Kedesta Memorial School
Keita Primary School
Kibaya Modern Primary School
Kibimbiri Parents Primary School
Kibimbiri Primary School
Kifunjo Primary School
Kigarama Primary School
Kigezi Orghanage Community Primary School
Kihanda Primary School
Kihembe Primary School
Kihihi Preparatory Primary School
Kihihi Primary School
Kihiihi Progressive Primary School
Kijubwe Primary School
Kikombe Primary School
Kinaaba Community Primary School
Kinaaba Junior School
Kinaaba Parental Care Primary School
Kinaaba Primary School
Kinkiizi Golden Future Primary School
Kinyashohera Primary School
Kiramira Catholic Primary School
Kirima Kindergaten Primary School
Kirima Parents Primary School
Kirima Primary School
Kiringa Primary School
Kiruruma Primary School
Kishenyi Primary School
Kishororo Primary School
Kishunju Primary School
Kishuro Primary School
Kitariro Primary School
Kitunga Church Of Uganda Primary School
Kitunga Primary School
Kiziba Primary School
Kororo Primary School
Kyajura Primary School
Kyandago Primary School
Kyantuhe Primary School
Kyeshero Mother Care Primary School
Kyeshero Primary School
Mafuga Primary School
Makanga Parents Primary School
Makiro Primary School
Mako Rainbow Primary School
Mashaku Primary School
Mashuri Primary School
Matanda Primary School
Model Path Finder Primary School
Mother Care Primary School
Mpambizo Primary School
Mpangango Primary School
Mpungu Parents Primary School
Muhumuza Primary School
Mukono Primary School
Munyaga Community Primary School
Muramba Primary School
Murushasha Community Primary School
Mushasha Primary School
Mushunga Vision Primary School
Mustard Seed Primary School
Namunye Primary School
New Hope Primary School
Newman Primary School
Nkambi Primary School
Nkunda Primary School
Nkunda Sda Primary School
Nsaaza Memorial Primary School
Nshaka Primary School
Ntabagwe Primary School
Ntungamo Parents Primary School
Ntungamo Primary School
Nyabirehe Primary School
Nyaka Primary School
Nyakabungo Parents Primary School
Nyakabungo Primary School
Nyakabungo Public Primary School
Nyakagyezi Primary School
Nyakahita Church Primary School
Nyakashozi Primary School
Nyakashure Primary School
Nyakasozi Model Primary School
Nyakatare Primary School
Nyakatooma Primary School
Nyakatunguru Primary School
Nyakeina Primary School
Nyakibingo Primary School
Nyakinoni Primary School
Nyakishojwa Primary School
Nyamakamba Primary School
Nyamigoye Primary School
Nyamirama Christian Primary School
Nyamirama Grace Primary School
Nyamirama Ii Primary School
Nyamirama Parents Primary School
Nyamirama Primary School
Nyamirama Twimukye Primary School
Nyamirengyere Primary School
Nyamiyaga Primary School
Nyamwegabira Primary School
Nyanga Parental Primary School
Nyarurambi Parents Primary School
Nyarurambi Primary School
Nyarurembo Primary School
Nyarutojo Primary School
Omuchogo Primary School
Omumbuga Primary School
Rubimbwa Primary School
Rubonwa Primary School
Ruboona Primary School
Rugando Parents Primary School
Rugando Primary School
Rugandu Primary School
Rugyeyo Primary School
Ruhimbi Primary School
Rukarara Primary School
Rukooka Primary School
Rukwira Memorial Academy
Runyami Primary School
Runyinya Primary School
Rurama Parents Primary School
Rushaka Primary School
Rushebeya Primary School
Rushoroza Primary School
Rutendere Primary School
Rutenga Christian Primary School
Rutenga Primary School
Rutooma Primary School
Rutugunda Primary School
Rwanga Primary School
Rwangoboka Primary School
Rwenyerere Primary School
Rwere Parents Primary School
Rwere Primary School
Rweyerezo Primary School
St. Bakwatirenda Memorial Primary School
St. Francis Primary School
St. James Model Primary School
St. John’s Kasashe Primary School
St. John’s Modern Primary School
St. Paul Primary School
Standard Primary School
Tabaro Comprehensive Primary School
Top Hill Primary School
Twekambe Progressive Primary School
Victory Primary School
Vision Primary School
Vision Primary School
Winna Standard Primary School
Yesu Ahuriire Primary School
Zeituni Sda Primary School
Zendeire Day & Boarding Primary School
Zorooma Primary School

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