Transforming Education Through Technology and Capacity Building

About Us

The Jinja Mafubira SACCO also known as JMT was started on 1st June 2020 as a saving & investment scheme by a group of hard working Teachers trained and empowered by KAWA.

Over time, the membership of the saving and investment scheme has grown to accommodate other community members who are actively involved in the activities and programs of education Quality.

Vision Statement

Mission Statement

A JMT Sacco member with a long-life income sources

To Support and mentor 60% of JMT Sacco member to maintain at least two sustainable sources of income by 2025

Core Values

To increasingly teach the members the culture of savings constructively 

Commitment, Humility, Integrity, Operational Efficiency, Customer Focus, Unity

Pensions account

Everyone needs to plan ahead for retirement. People are living longer and have healthier lives. It is more important to consider your retirement income today than ever before.  A few of us understand the real facts about pensions.

The JMT Pension Account is a long-term investment designed to provide an income in retirement. You choose how much to contribute to your individual pension account.

In addition to NSSF (National security Fund) money or work-based provident funds/gratuity schemes, this account is for members who would like to put aside some of their savings specifically for future use.

The member’s pension savings can only be accessed when they are over 50 years old. For members aged 50 years and above, you can make contributions for a minimum of 5 years.

The savings on this account earns an interest of 11% PA, and it compounds itself annually until maturity of the money on the account.

Investing in a pension account can form an important part of your planning for retirement and the benefit with our pension account is that we accept regular contributions, single contributions and payments from mobile money and members’ bank accounts through direct debits and other bank transfers.

The Benefits Include:

  • Helps members save up for their retirement

  • The member’s savings grow with an interest of 11% PA.

  • There are Unrestricted free deposits

  • There are no account maintenance or monthly charges