The teaching of the apostles (catechesis)
Acts 2:42
says of the new believers, ` They spent their time in learning from the
apostles'. 13:1; refers to teachers in
the Church which was established at Antioch in Syria.
The new believers who
had responded to the preaching of the apostles and who had accepted baptism
needed further instruction. The word 'catechesis' is from the Greek verb which
means to instruct orally or to inform by teaching.
In a Jewish
congregation, it was necessary to show in greater how Jesus was the fulfillment
of Old Testament prophecy. The Jewish Scriptures were studied and expounded to
understand how they p to Jesus as Christ, Lord, Son of God, Servant of God, Son
of Man those who had not known Jesus in person during his ministry, teaching
about what he had done and said was needed. Through frequent repetition,
accounts of his teaching, his actions, his healings, the co which he faced,
settled into oral units of instruction which were even incorporated into the
written gospels. In passages such as Mark 1: 2:1-3:6,
4:1-34, 4:35-5:43, we can find such units. Accounts o; final
days in the life of Jesus, leading to his death and Resurrect were particularly
The power of the Holy
Spirit in the life of the Church and in the life of the individual Christian
needed deeper understanding and explanation. In the power of the Holy Spirit
the apostles were able to heal the sick and proclaim the Good News with
extraordinary fearlessness; in the individual a new kind of character, a
Christ-like character, ought to be the consequence of receiving the gift of the