There are seven New Testament letters which came to
be called the catholic or universal letters. Three of these are attributed to
John, two to Peter, one to Jude and one to James.
The letter of James is not at all like the personal
letters which Paul wrote about various matters to specific readers. No reasons
are given as to why it was written; although it has a brief opening greeting it
has no personal conclusion. If we remove the opening verse it could be read as
a series of short sermons on moral living. A connecting idea runs through the
whole letter, that a person's belief in God is not genuine unless it produces
effective results in everyday living. The writer gives exhortation after
exhortation to his readers to demonstrate their faith in God in very practical
ways. Although the word 'salvation' does not appear in the letter, we learn
from the writer what he understands this word to mean.
There are few specific references in the letter to
Jesus Christ, in contrast to what we find in the letters of Paul. The writer is
not concerned with the content of the apostolic kerygma but with the apostolic
teaching, particularly moral instruction, on how the convert should express his
faith in daily life.
We have seen how Paul, in his letters, emphasizes
that salvation is God's gift to man through Jesus Christ; a person is saved by
faith, not by his own unaided efforts to be good. But Paul expected the convert
to live under the control of the Holy Spirit, showing the beautiful results of
a new life in Christ in daily living (Galatians
5:22-25). The person who has faith in what Jesus Christ has done
is put right with God, through God's loving grace, but the transformation in
the convert should be demonstrated in a new way of life under the guidance of
the Holy Spirit. Paul had hard things to say to the Corinthians and the
Galatians because their lives lacked this obvious demonstration of the new life
in Christ.
The teaching of the letter of James complements the
teaching of Paul and does not contradict it. The writer has no use for what he
calls 'faith without actions' (2:26).
When he uses the word 'faith' like this, he is referring to mere intellectual
assent to a truth without any resultant change of behaviour. James says that
even demons know about God (2: 19); in Mark
5: 12 we are told that the demons in the demoniac of Gerasa
begged Jesus to send them into the pigs, and demon-possessed people recognized
the power of God in Jesus immediately (Mark 1 :23-2
The demoniac of Gerasa
What James means is that mere intellectual agreement
with the statement that God exists has no value at all unless it results in
some change in the person. The demons did not become any less demonic when they
were confronted with the power of God. Paul would not have disagreed with James
over this because when Paul uses the word 'faith', it is with the sense of
total commitment of oneself and one's life to God through Jesus Christ.
The writer of the letter of James is familiar with
the Jewish Scriptures in the Greek translation. He refers to Abraham, Isaac,
Rahab, Job and Elijah, as well as giving Scripture quotations and showing
familiarity with the thought of the prophetic books and the Old Testament
teaching about true wisdom. The writer does not give any direct quotations from
the teaching of Jesus as recorded in the gospels, but often seems to be
referring generally to what Jesus said, particularly in the Sermon on the
Mount, Matthew 5-7. At a number of
points in the letter, it is helpful to compare what James says with what Jesus
taught and with what Paul says in his letters.
The letter of James is very interesting because it
shows us another aspect of the teaching and understanding of the early Church.
A common tradition of preaching, teaching and practice was shared by all the
churches but inevitably, local differences and cultural situations made an
impression. A Jewish background is apparent in the letter of James.