Research and discussion
I. Discuss and explain this statement: 'The
letter of James is a sermon in the form of a letter.'
2. (a) Compare the teaching of Paul and James
on faith.
(b) Explain what you
would say about faith to a modern person who is not a Christian but is
interested in the Christian faith.
3. (a) How does the letter of James warn the
readers about self-deception?
(b) Show how a modem
Christian can demonstrate faith in practical ways in present-day society.
4. (a) What particular evils of his times did
James speak against? (b) Discuss one aspect of what he said that is still
relevant today.
5. Discuss this situation in the light of the
teaching of James: 'When approached by the local evangelist as to why she did
not go to church an old and poor widow replied that it was because she had no
shoes to wear and no money with which to buy any. She felt ashamed t join the
congregation barefooted.'
6. If there is any situation known to you in
which distinctions of wealth in a church are causing problems, describe what is
happening an suggest what might be done about it.
7. Discuss in what ways the teaching of James
on control of speech is important today.
8. Suggest in what ways the Church has
responsibilities in teaching its members about (i) the snare of riches, and
(ii) the need to influence governments about the use of the world's resources.
9. If you know of any church which has a
ministry of healing, describe how it is carried out.
10. How can a modern Christian be helped by the
teaching of James about temptation?