The Good News Bible (The Bible Societies/Collins)
The Revised Standard Version (The Bible Societies)
The Jerusalem Bible (with full introductions and
notes) (Darton, Long-man and Todd)
Commentaries on the New Testament (Individual texts)
The Torch Commentaries (S.C.M. Press Ltd.)
The Pelican New Testament Commentaries (S.C.M. Press
Ltd.) William Barclay, The Daily Study Bible (Saint Andrew Press) The Tyndale
Commentaries (Inter-Varsity Press)
New Clarendon Bible Commentaries on the New
Testament, edited by Sparks (Oxford University Press) ;-"' ..
T.E.F. Study Guides (S.P.C.K.)
Fontana 'Good News' Commentaries (Collins/Fontana)
New Testament Message (Michael Glazier Inc., U.S.A)
One-volume Bible Commentaries
Peake's Commentary on the Bible (Nelson) The Jerome
Biblical Commentary (Chapman)
The New Catholic Commentary on Holy Scripture
(Nelson) The Interpreter's One-volume Commentary (Collins)
The New Bible Commentary, Revised (Inter-Varsity
New Testament Topics and background
F. Amiot, How to read St. Paul (Chapman)
F. Amiot, The key concepts of St. Paul (Nelson)
William Barclay" The Mind of St. Paul (Fount
Books), paperback G. Bornkamm, Paul (Hodder), paperback
C.H. Dodd, The Founder of Christianity (Fontana)
paperback John Drane, Jesus and the four gospels (Lion Publishing)
John Drane, Paul (Lion Publishing)
Leon Dufour, The Gospels and the Jesus of history,
(Fontana), paperback Floyd Filson, A New Testament History (S.C.M. Press Ltd.)
W. Harrington, Explaining the Gospels (Deus Books,
Paulist Press) A.M. Hunter, Introducing the New Testament (S.C.M. Press Ltd.)
A.M. Hunter, Introducing New Testament Theology
(S.C.M. Press Ltd.) A.M. Hunter, According to John (S.C.M. Press Ltd.)
Kealy and Shenk, The early Church and Africa (Oxford
University Press) Kee and Young, The Living World of the New Testament (Darton,
Long¬man and Todd)
J.A.T. Robinson, Redating the New Testament (S.C.M.
Press Ltd.), paperback
B. Vawter, Thefour gospels (Gill and Son)
The Lion Handbook to the Bible (Lion Publishing)
Leon-Dufour, A dictionary of Biblical Theology (Chapman)
The New Bible Dictionary, edited by Douglas
(Inter-Varsity Press) The Oxford Bible Atlas, edited by May (Oxford University