The Christian's responsibility to witness to Jesus Christ'
In our modern world
about one-third of the world's population claims to believe in the same Jesus
Christ whose Spirit led Peter, Paul, Barnabas and many others to face every
kind of hardship and danger in their witness to others that they had found
their Lord and Saviour. Two thirds of the world's population does not know or
rejects the News that a new start to life and a new meaning in life is
available to every person, irrespective of race or status, who turns to Jesus
Christ for help. There is as much need today for Christians to tell others about
Jesus Christ as there was in the time of the early apostles. Just as had to
find out the best way to present the Good News to Gentiles outlook and
background was different from his, so Christians today have to make the effort
to explain the Good News to others who are different from themselves. How can a
Christian explain the Good news to a Muslim, a Marxist, an atheist, a
traditionalist, in a way which c understood by the other person? Too much
Christian preaching in world is merely to other Christians.