Transforming Education Through Technology and Capacity Building

Dr. Obote College ICT Club abbreviated as” D.O.C” ICT Club whose slogan is “….moving Technology” Indeed moved technology at the Reginal School ICT Clubs Competitions which took place in Masindi on 6th June, 2022 where they presented OBOTE “the medical assistant.” This innovation took the second overall position in the northern and West Nile Schools.

OBOTE -The Medical assistant is a robot which has been invented to bridge the gap between the patients and the Doctors in situations of pandemic outbreak like Covid-19, Ebola and other communicable diseases. It distributes the medicine according to the commands assigned by the user using a smart phone application.

The teachers supporting this innovation are James and Angura and Ocen Oscar Patrick.

Project Overview

In 2019, a virus broke out in Wuhan, China and was then declared a pandemic by WHO in 2020.

Over 7 million got the infection and many sectors were negatively affected.

Today, “Obote,” the medical assistant…., has come in to bridge the gap between the patients and the Doctors in situations of pandemic outbreak like Covid-19, Ebola and other communicable diseases.

As ICT club of DOC, we have found a suitable solution which is Obote – mobile robot that operates by a smart phone application.

Other robots already exist like Tera but we thought of adding more value to ours; more security, easy to use, no data bandwidth required.

In the last competition, Dr. Obote College Boroboro edged 7 other schools to win the year’s Science and Technology Innovations Challenge, hosted by iLabs@Mak Project, one of the research projects at the College of Engineering, Design, Art and Technology.

Their project that year was the hybrid pitch demarcator, a robot that utilizes multiple energy sources, used to automatically demarcate pitches (such as cricket, basketball, football pitches), roads and parking yards. It is run with a custom program that has the relevant topographical and other information pertinent to the area to be demarcated. The robot moves, drawing the relevant straight lines (full and dotted), and curves until the job is completed..


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