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- Create Date December 28, 2020
- Last Updated December 28, 2020
Organise seminars/ conferences / workshops and use of quizzes, Traditional teaching e.g. use of proverbs, riddles, stories,
Revive the influence of elders, aunts.
Preaching the gospel: the church in its preaching should use relevant texts to teach people about sex.
Organise youth camps, clubs and societies where they can know diseases responsible use of sex.
Advice should be given by medical workers.
Leisure activities like games and sports.
Women organisations such as women guild mothers union can help the youth and other married people to have responsible relationships.
Through music and drama a lot can be taught to the masses,
Influence of church leaders in the teaching and ministry of the word.
Parents should be responsible to teach and advise children on relationships.
The problem of sex is a result of a lack of sex education. Discuss
The statement is time; many problems related to sex are as a result of lack of sex education as noted in the following:-
Many young people today do not prepare for marriage life and as a result lack sex education.
Traditional rites of passages are dying out without concrete modern replacement in which a lot was taught.
Many enter marriage with lots of fear, myth, superstition, ignorance and wrong motives.
This was the duty done by aunts, uncles and the elderly who are diminishing therefore the youth lack touch with right people to instruct them on sex and related issues.
Sex education is difficult to be imparted by parents to their children who need to gain courage to educate them i.e. parents are shy to teach children.
Lack of good example from married people who often divorce, separate and the presence of single parenthood for proper use of sex and idea married life,
Formal schools and universities are centres of ignorance regarding sexual life, marriage and procreation experience; there is therefore a need to intensify sex education for balanced life.
Due to economic hardships; parents are busy looking for money and have no time to attend to children as it was in African tradition, where right people answered their questions.
There is the problem of generation gap, a feeling that young people know more about sex but there is need to correct this.
Because of the AIDS scourge, children are left without mature people responsible in their welfare, no proper instruction about sex, marriage and procreation; at times a young teenager cares for the young siblings.
Premarital counselling was a must through bush schools which is not done today.
The church and its leaders are not serious on sex education and this is worsened by lack of example by leaders.
Peer group pressure also distorts good knowledge of sex; abuse and misuse are common because of what friends are doing leading to wrong attitudes to sex. In Africa fornication and other promiscuity were severely punished, virginity valued and sex was for the married people only.
Due to lack of sex education, proper use of sex; with whom, when, how brings a number of problems including early pregnancies abortion, STDs and in marriage divorce.
Hygiene, respect for husband, roles are lacking as it was in African tradition.
Other factors that causes sex related problems
- Mass media such as pornographic literature, blue movies etc.
- Permissiveness of society with a care free attitude.
- Environmental factors experience where people reside / live.
- Physiological aspect such as impotence, frigidity, high libido content whereby one very high appetite for sex.
- Frustration which makes some people act abnormally.
- Urbanisation and its related problems.
- Adultery makes one have extra experience, such that by the time one comes back the partner is above.
- Untidiness
- Lack of faithfulness / trust in ones partners.
- Legitimate use of sex in the Christian community:
- Sex to be within monogamous marriage (Mk 10:6-8).
For procreation of children (Gen 2: 18) it is not good for man to be alone." God created Eve for Adam and when she was presented to him he exclaimed woman in joy (Gen 2:24).
Sex acts as a remedy against sin "do not deny each other (1 cor 7:5).
Sex stabilises marriage e.g. the Catholic Church if consummation does not take place in the first seven days it automatically qualifies divorce.
To complement on what man lacks (female sexual organ) so a woman was created so that human need is ratified (Gen 2: 18).
It should be heterosexual between male and female.
Sex should be out of mutual consent.
Sex should be between adults and in Uganda 18 years above.
It should be between non- relatives (Lev 18:6-19). The Bible condemns incest.
Sex is very useful as an outlet of passion (human) due to instinct.
The sexual act between married people is sacred; the married bed should not be defiled (Heb 13:4).
Sex in marriage acts as a sacrament: an outside physical union is a spiritual union and growth.
Looking at a woman lustfully (Mt 5:27f) is already adultery so one's heart determines proper use of sex.
Sex relationship is one of the intimate union between husband and wife as they become one flesh. In Gen 2:24 one leaves parents and unites to his wife and two become one.
In the New Testament, a man needs a woman and a woman needs a man in the Lord (1 Cor 11: 11) and this leads to fulfillment and therefore companionship.