Kisubi Associated Writers Agency (KAWA) is an educational forum founded by teachers and authors of books for schools. KAWA focuses on printing and publishing educational materials, promotion of reading culture, setting standard Examinations, IT training, creation of databases and websites for schools, career guidance services, free library support, free online schools directory as well as other outreach services.
The founders, through cheap replica watches their research, discovered that lack of text books in replica watches uk most schools in Uganda has contributed to poor performance. There is uneven distribution of books as they are concentrated in urban areas. Some books are either out dated, too expensive or inappropriate to the educational levels. Since mobile best replica watches site phones are more accessible and government has provided more computers to rural schools, our intervention is to enable teachers create digital content and share with the communities using the accessible ICT facilities.
The World Bank (2005) study lists problems of best replica watches Uganda libraries as follows:
- Lack of adequate library Replica Watches store rooms, which are usually, converted into classrooms with insufficient space, shelving, furniture and equipment, or security.
- Lack of finance to undertake regular library maintenance. Where stock exists it is generally old and often irrelevant to current curricula and teacher/student interests.
- Heavy stock wear and tear, loss and damage caused by poor management, lack of security, pest and fungal damage, theft and so forth.
- Lack of understanding by both teachers and students of the role and function of a school library, and there is a growing inability to use libraries properly even when they are well-established.
- Some books are simply donated by organizations. Some replica watches donations received are not in line with interests of particular institutions, they are merely dumping grounds. The absence of clearly articulated school library policies in a majority of countries, and Poor library management systems (World Bank, 2008:71-72).