Transforming Education Through Technology and Capacity Building

Abudala Anyuru Mem School is a Government Aided Secondary School in Akaka, Oyam District, Lango Region in Northern Uganda. On this KAWA Uganda page, you will get the details on Abudala Anyuru Mem School location, New Curriculum Implementation, Teaching And Learning Resources, UCE/UACE Results, ICT Lab and Clubs.

Note that Abudala Anyuru Mem School is registered by the Ministry of Education and Sports (MoES). Its EMIS code is 183.

Abudala Anyuru Mem School

  • Name of School: Abudala Anyuru Mem School
  • Number of Students Enrolled: 248
  • School Phone Number:
  • School Email Address:
  • School Website:
  • Ward/Parish: Akaka
  • SubCounty/Town/Division: Aber
  • District/Municipality: Oyam District
  • District/Municipality Code: 572- Oyam District

Abudala Anyuru Mem School O and A Level Student Enrollment

Abudala Anyuru Mem School has a student enrollment of over 248 students with 241 students in Ordinary Level (O-Level), and 7 students in Advanced Level (A-Level).

Abudala Anyuru Mem School Location

Abudala Anyuru Mem School institution of learning is located in Oyam District -Aber, in Akaka ward.

Abudala Anyuru Mem School Facilities

Abudala Anyuru Mem School is an existing educational institution in Akaka, Oyam District, with the following number of Classrooms, Laboratories, Libraries, and Latrine Stances. Physical Classrooms: 10, Number of Laboratories: 4, Number Libraries: 1, Latrine Stances: 15, Teachers Housing Units: 0

Abudala Anyuru Mem School location, New Curriculum Implementation, Teaching And Learning Resources, UCE/UACE Results, ICT Lab and Clubs

Abudala Anyuru Mem School 2020 UCE and UACE Exam Results

Use the following steps to access the Abudala Anyuru Mem School 2020 Uganda Certificate of Education Examination Results (UCE), and Uganda Advanced Certificate of Education Examination Results (UACE).

Procedure to Check the Abudala Anyuru Mem School 2020 UCE Results on Mobile Phone using SMS

  1. Get the Abudala Anyuru Mem School 2020 Senior 4 (S4) candidate’s UNEB UCE Index Number. E.g U1234/001.
  2. Open your phone’s message (SMS), and type “UCE <space> Index No” e.g. UCE U1234/001
  3. Send the above SMS text to number 6600.
  4. You’ll get an SMS reply with the candidate’s 2020 UCE results.

How to Check the Abudala Anyuru Mem School 2020 UACE Results on Mobile Phone using SMS

  1. Have the Abudala Anyuru Mem School Senior 6 (S6) candidate’s UNEB UACE Index Number. E.g U1234/501.
  2. Open your phone’s message (SMS), and type “UCE <space> Index No” e.g. UCE U1234/501
  3. Send the above SMS text to number 6600.
  4. You’ll get an SMS reply confirmation with the candidate’s 2020 UNEB UACE results.

Implementation Lower Secondary Competency-Based Curriculum (CBC)

The School is implementing the Lower Secondary Competency-Based Curriculum (CBC) with S.1 learners as they progress to the next class. With the support of NCDC and the Master Trainers, teachers are gaining a deeper understanding of the implementation of the curriculum.

Project-Based Learning (PBL) is a key focus with projects that students will undertake at every end of the topic. Teachers will then be required to note the student’s progress before any new topic is introduced.

Teachers will be administering end-of-year exams in order to give feedback to parents and guardians.

KAWA recommends the creation of Teacher mentors and a Professional Learning Community (PLC) in the school so that teachers who have not been oriented to the revised curriculum can get help from their colleagues at school to understand the expectations of the new curriculum.

In the new curriculum, there is a provision for the pre-Vocational component of education which is in the line with the World of Work requirements and in line with the Skilling Uganda strategy. This is aimed at preparing learners at an early age with the opportunity to understand and appreciate vocational work, recognize it’s importance and later join the world of work in this area.

Subjects that will benefit from this arrangement include; performing arts, Agriculture, ICT, Nutrition and Food Technology, Art and Design, Technology and Design, Physical Education, and Entrepreneurship.

Learners studying these subjects will have the option of being assessed in the occupational competence equivalent to Level 1 at the Directorate of Industrial Training (DIT) at the end of senior three.

Students who will decide to register for the DIT assessment will exit with two certificates, one from DIT and the other from UNEB.

End of Cycle Summative Assessment

After attending the four-year period of study, learners will be subjected to sit Uganda Certificate of Education (UCE) Examinations.

Each of the subject syllabi presents specifications that will identify the knowledge, understanding, and skills that will be assessed in each examination. The validity of each examination will be judged in relation to this specification.

It was established that the old curriculum is overloaded with subjects that are expensive to implement, focus on academic achievements and its assessment only encourages cram work. The new curriculum considers the new changes in science and technology and promotes creativity among learners. It aims at providing a learning environment, opportunities, interactions, and tasks that foster deep learning by putting the learner at the centre of the learning experience.

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