3:13-17. Honour Christ as Lord
If Christians seek
continually to do good, they may deflect hostility (3: 13) but they may also
attract it, and if they are made to suffer for doing what they know is right,
they should be happy, not sad (3: 14). This reflects Matthew
5:I0-'Happy are those who are persecuted because they do what God requires; the
Kingdom of heaven belongs to them!' Christians are not to be afraid and not to
worry but are to keep reverence for Christ in their hearts and honour him as
Lord (3: 15). They should always be ready to explain the living hope that they
have in Jesus Christ, doing this with gentleness and respect (3:
15-16). The Christian who has a clear conscience will not be overcome
by evil insults. In the end his attackers will be put to shame by the
Christian's blameless conduct. 'For it is better to suffer for doing good, if
this should be God's will, than for doing evil'.