The doctrine of Christ and his work

Christ is given the titles of Lord (3: 15), the living stone (2 :4), the Chief Shepherd (5 :4). He is the one raised from death by his Father, chosen by God before the creation of the world (1:20), sinless and the perfect sacrifice (1 : 19). He took the path of the Suffering Servant, leaving his followers a perfect example (2:21-24). He is the head of the Church (5 :4). In 2:3 and 3: 15 he is given the name which is given to Yahweh in the Old Testament. References to the atoning death of Christ occur in 1 :18-19,2:21-24 and 3:18. Peter says, about the death of Christ, that he carried the sins of men to the cross (2 :24), that he ransomed men from their sins by his self-sacrifice (1: 18-19) and that the Church was made the holy people of God by the sacrifice of his blood (1 :2). Christ's death was to enable us to be brought to God (3: 18) and to enable us to live in a right relationship with God (2 :24). Christ's death is central to Peter's understanding of the Gospel.
