The use of the Old Testament in the letter
The letter reflects the
early Church's use and interpretation of the Old Testament. Isaiah 53 is
reflected in 2:21-24, where Peter thinks of Jesus Christ in terms of the
Suffering Servant of God. In 2 :25 and 5:4 there is a reflection of Ezekiel 34
and other passages in which Israel is pictured as the sheep or flock of God. 3
:20 refers to Noah and the Flood. The idea of the Christians as the new Israel,
the holy people of God, runs right through the letter and is expressed in
verses such as 1 :2, I: 15--16, 2 :9. Sarah is referred to in 3:3 as the
example of the good woman who trusts God. There are a considerable number of
direct quotations which we shall note as we study the text.