The Akamba

Origin: Belong to Eastern Bantu speakers, probably they came from Taita dispersal area.

Social organization

People of the same clan used to stay in one settlement and believed in the same totem.

Circumcision - Nzako was a very important social function. It acted as qualification to proper education and as initiation into manhood

Marriage was mainly polygamous; many women as a symbol of prestige. People of the same clan were not supposed to marry.

Rituals connected with the development stages of man ie birth, marriage, pregnancy and death were highly observed ie sacrifices were offered.

Had a tendency of worshipping spirits of departed ancestors - aimu during times of distress. Had a vague belief in a higher being refereed to as Mulungu - the creator and splinter.

Political organisation

Organisation on clan basis, village settlements were administered by a council of clan elders. Clan elders formed a ruling council - the Nzama.

The task of the Nzama also acted as a judicial tribunal settling of both criminal and civil nature.

Were warlike, raided the Pokomo, Galla, Kikuyu and Taita for cattle, women and foodstuffs.

With time prosperous raiders and long distance traders as Kivoi of Kitui managed to put large areas especially trade routes under control.

Such war- lords became self appointed chiefs who introduced centralised political organisation in Ukambani.

Economic organisation

The economy was diversified that is practiced pastrolism, crop cultivation, trade and commerce. Land was communally owned that is property of the whole clan.

Crop cultivation was mainly carried out by women, who grew Sorghum, millet, elusine, tobacco and leguminous crops

Cattle keeping was very important, kept short horned Zebu, sheep, goats and dogs.

Owing to the ferriferous (iron content) soils on Ukambani, iron implements with the Nyika for cattle. Trade was a common activity. They were vigorous long distance traders.

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