The Batembuzi
Several kingdoms grew up in the interlacustrine region between AD 1000-1880. The most important ones for our case studywill include Bunyoro Kitara empire of the Bachwezi, Buganda, Toro and Ankole.
But before looking at those kingdoms, we shall briefly go through the first inhabitants of this region the Batembuzi.!-->!-->
There is no clear information about the Batembuzi but what we know is according to the myths and traditions of the Banyoro and Banyankole.
The Batembuzi are believed to have been the first inhabitants and rulers of the interlacustrine region. That they were gods with a ruling dynasty which lasted for between four to five centuries.!-->!-->!--> !-->
Ruhanga who is also referred to as "creator" or god founded the Batembuzi ruling dynasty.
His subjects are not known. It's howeverbelieved that descendants were the only human beings in the region.
He ruled with the help of his brother Nkya, who was later succeeded by Kakama Twale.
At the end of his reign, his son Baba took over. Nyonzaki also succeeded him. The last ruler was Isaza.
It is important to note that since the Batembuzi were gods, they never died they either disappeared or went to heaven. The next ruling dynasty was that of the Bachwezi.!-->!-->!-->!-->!--> !-->
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