The English word "quest" means a long search for something with the view of understanding it better. At the end of the search, truth and knowledge is obtained.

Therefore, the phrase "man's quest for God" refers to the continuous effort human beings put in their attempt to find out the truth and obtain knowledge about God.

In other words, it refers to man's activities that are directed towards finding out more about their own existence as they relate with God.

In short, it means an attempt to know more about God and relate with him in the ways he desires. The alternate words that can be used to express man's quest for God include;

     To seek

     To search for

     To look for

The history of man reveals a continuous search for a deeper meaning in life in relation to a Supreme Being. To date, man is still trying to do everything possible to gain greater knowledge of the reality behind his existence. Some express this through actions, thoughts and others by words.

The Characteristics Of God

As man looks for God, he has given him various names and qualities he alone possesses including the following.

·      God is the creator. The whole universe came into existence through his creational work.

·      God is the provider. He gives to those who ask of him. Man is, therefore, dependent on him.

·      God is one. This is shown by praising and worshipping him alone for the same God is found in the whole universe.

·      God is the source of life. He gives and takes life at will and at any time.

·      God is holy. This has to do with the purity of God. He is sinless and therefore, man is to approach him in that state.

·      God is unique. He cannot be compared to any other being and no one can make images of him apart from symbols.

·      God is real. People have given various names to prove that He is real. He is referred to as the almighty, the great and many others.

·      God is immortal. This means that God cannot die. He was there yesterday; He is there today and will be there tomorrow.

·      God is omnipotent. Meaning that he is all-powerful. No other known force is more powerful than him.

·      God is omnipresent. He is believed to be present everywhere at all times.

·      God is transcendent. He is above the knowledge, reasoning and understanding of man.         

·      God is all loving. He treats his creatures with affection like a father would to his children.

·      God is omniscient meaning that he is all knowing. Everything that happens in the world happens with his knowledge.

·      God is perfect whatever He does is good and is the benefit of the living creatures.

·      God is a judge. He holds the human beings accountable for their actions

·      God is the controller of the whole world. All events happen at His will. He provides, protects, takes sustains and many others.

Man's Quest for God in the Present Situation

The following are the ways through which man searches tor God in his attempt to find meaning in life,

Through prayer. In prayer, one opens up the self to God and communicates his or her feelings

Through alms-giving or charity work. This involves giving assistance to the needy like the orphans and the disabled. These disadvantaged people are provided with the basic needs including cloth and shelter among others. This is done in following Jesus' way of life. Be healed the sick and went on to say that the little good done here on earth for the benefit of another is rewarded in the heavenly kingdom.

Places, objects and buildings are being named after great Christian personalities. Christian names including Joseph, St. Mary, St Peter and others are commonly used For example, Joseph's Cathedral and St. Mary's College Kisubi.

Some Christians are living a self-denial life. They deny themselves the pleasures of life like wealth. In the Catholic Church, the priests and the nuns practice poverty in order to dedicate themselves to the work of God and live the life of Jesus Christ.

Christians are actively involved in preaching the .good news. of salvation. By preaching gospel, Christians prepare themselves for the second coming Jesus Christ

Some people participate in pilgrimages. This involves visiting places of great Significance in memory of great religious events. In Uganda, the Christians trek to and gather at the Uganda Martyrs at Namugongo shrine every 3rd of June to commemorate the bravery of the African Christians including Kiriggwajjo Anatoli who were burnt in 1888 because of their faith in God.

Christians continuously organize and attend bible studies. They come together to share the words of God as written in the bible. Bible studies are source of inspiration and help to keep the people committed and strong in their faith.

People organize crusades. This is where Christians go out to gazetted public places in a big gathering to devote themselves to God through prayers, preaching and praise and worship,

Many people today declare themselves as being born again of saved. Such individuals denounce their lifetime mistakes and declare Christ as being their personal saviour.

Some Christians undergo water baptism in the search for God. For a Christian, this is a symbolical expression of joining God's family. It is also a means of cleansing oneself of the sin inherited from the first man.

The Christians compose and sing gospel songs to show belief in God. In these songs, the people express their faith, seek for blessing and extend their appreciation for the good things God is doing in their lives.

Some people have taken to the writing of religious books or magazine as they express and explain their knowledge about God and his mighty work. For example, Leadership magazine by the Catholic Church is released on a monthly basis.

Other Christians give offertory to the church in their search for God. They give material things including money, foodstuff, and clothes to help in running the affairs of God's house.

Christians have also continued to organize and attend fellowship. This involves a lot of religious related activities including praise and worship, giving testimonies and giving words of encouragement to the participants.

Some Christians fast in their search for God. This is a way through which they dedicate themselves to God as they meditate in His wonders. This is done through denying themselves the worldly pleasures such as food, sexual intercourse and others for a given period of time.

Some people repent their sins. Through repentance, Christians are right with God and with one another.

Some Christians anoint the sick. Putting oil or water on some one's fore head when one is about to die. It is intended to hand over an individual's life to God when he or she is spiritually clean.

People search for God by constructing churches. Such buildings like Rubaga Miracle Centre under Pastor Kayanja Robert help to bring Christians together purposely for praying, fellowship and bible studies among others.

Problems Christians Face In Their Search for God

        Public insult

        False prophecies or false preachers.

        Negative influence of science and technology.

        Loss of lives

        Negative influence from the African Traditional beliefs


        Political instability or interference

        General temptations

        Attractions from worldly pleasures

        Rivalry among the believers themselves

        Over expectation from the public

        Discrimination basing on sex, tribe and religion

o  Existence in too many religious beliefs

        Corruption, bribery and embezzlement of tlmds

        Language barrier

        Some are isolated from their peers

The Importance of Baptism to Christians

Baptism is the first out of the seven sacraments in the Christian faith. It is all important religious ceremony because of the following:

1. Through baptism, a person is brought into complete union with God, Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit for one-is baptized in "the name of God the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit"

2. Baptism is a ritual through which an individual becomes child of God and a member of the church. In other words one joins the body of believers in the risen Christ

3. Baptism is a sign of spiritual rebirth meaning that one is again through tile ritual of water and the spirit as Jesus said in a conversation with Nicodemus (John 3: 5)

4. Baptism is a public acceptance to begin doing the will of God like Jesus who started his public ministry immediately alter his baptism

5. Baptism is a symbol of victory over Satan. It indicates that an individual has been put into the life of the crucified Christ

6. Baptism enables a believer to acquire the gill s of the Holy Spirit like love and speaking in tongues. The apostles became Courageous and got out of their hiding to begin their work when the Holy Spirit descended upon them.

7. Through baptism, a believer acknowledges the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Therefore, it opens up a believer to a new life.

8. Baptism is a public acceptance by an individual to live a life like that of Christ It shows one is ready to copy the example once set by Christ

9. Baptism is an outward sign of one's inner faith It shows that one has accepted to believe m the crucified Christ

10.    Saint Paul said that Baptism is a divine victory over Satan. It shows that One has been put a life of the risen Christ

11.    To the believers, baptism is a public acceptance to suffer the way Jesus Christ suffered. In baptism, the believers accept to emulate the fate of Jesus Christ by carrying their own cross.

12.    Baptism enables a believer to begin a new life through repentance. This helps to put a believer right with God.

13.    Saint James said that baptism is a starting point of putting God's faith into actions. He noted that faith without action is dead. He gave the example of Abraham who was put right with God through his faith and actions (James 2: 14 ff)

14.    Baptism makes all the believers equal before God thereby enabling any individual to approach God at any time.

15.    Baptism cleanses a person of the original sin inherited from the first parents Adam and Eve who disobeyed God's command by eating the forbidden fruit. Therefore, it helps to transform one into a new creature.

16.    It helps to make the believers strong enough in their faith to resist temptation in the service of God. Jesus was strengthened by the spirit of God that descended upon him during his baptism and was able to resist temptation as he came face to face with Satan.

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A complete talking Book for Uganda certificate of Education