The corning of Jesus Christ is presented as God's continuous effect to bring man nearer to Him. By His coming, established the Kingdom of God on earth and in doing so, expected every believer to respond to His call of salvation.

Jesus identified Himself as the way, the truth and the life for every believer. He urged believer to look unto Him for their salvation (John 14: 16).

Jesus declared himself as the son of God sent to bring the good news of salvation to the entire world (John 5:19 ff)

Jesus encouraged all the believers to repent their sins. He pointed out that through repentance, God would forgive every believer and as a result, they would be His children.

Jesus said that salvation was for everyone. For this reason, He expected everyone to respond positively to the good news He had come with (Luke 3:6).

Jesus called upon all the believers to be open and His message as they look for the truth in life. He said such people would be happy in the heavenly kingdom. He illustrated giving the example of Zacchaeus who accepted his massage and left his past behind (Luke19:1 ff).

Jesus encouraged forgiveness and reconciliation among the believers, He believer to forgive seventy seven times seven. He later demonstrated this in the story prodigal son. Accordingly, the father forgave him after he had wasted the share wealth. However, this was to the disappointment of his brother (Luke 15:11)

Jesus encouraged his followers to be merciful to each other. He said he who is merciful would experience his father's mercy in his heavenly kingdom. He considered this as one of the true sources of happiness to every believer (Matthew 5:7)

He advised the believers to be born again in order for them attain the heavenly glory. This was in a conversation with Nicodemus when He talked about spiritual rebirth   one to attain salvation through the ritual baptism (John 3:1). 

Jesus called upon the believers to assistance to those in need like the orphans. This was by giving example of the rich man whom He told to sell off and give the proceeds to the poor and follow. He showed hard it is for 'a rich person to enter the Kingdom of God (Luke. 18: 18 ff).

Jesus presented God being with all the believers. For reason. He urged the believers to look onto themselves instead of looking elsewhere.

Jesus referred to Himself to look as a good shepherd and that believers were like last sheep. Accordingly, he said that he knew his animals by name and would take race of them.

Jesus called upon the believers to love God with all their strength, soul and mind as the are looking for him.

Jesus encouraged believers to love their enemies and be good to them instead of having them hated

Jesus encouraged the followers to tolerate human sufferings which are for the good others. He showed this by tolerating His suffering so that man would be set free from the bondage of sin.

Christ attacked the Jews for being religiously proud because of their strict emphasis on religious customs, practices, places and the persons. He said these could not put any man right with God.

Jesus said that a person should pray honestly He showed that the heavenly father to respond give them their needs.

Pharisees who thought that they were righteous

He condemned the legalistic attitude of by observing the law.

Jesus encouraged the followers to ask seek, and knock. He who does so would receive, find and have the door opened (Matthew 7:7).



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A complete talking Book for Uganda certificate of Education