refers to any kind of activity done by either an individual or a group of
individuals for the wellbeing of the individual and the whole society.
is a piece of job an individual engages in to earn a living. In work, a person
uses either the mental, physical energy or both.
Characteristics of work
piece of undertaking can be classified as work if it possesses the following characteristics.
Work involves the use
of energy. This energy many be physical, mental or even both. As a result of
work, one may have the feeling of both physical and mental tiredness.
Any kind of work has
a purpose or a reason behind it. The main purpose of work today is to earn a
living and in traditional Africa, it was meant to serve the community.
Work is a natural
demand for man. God created man in His own image and told him to be u
Work is a social
activity. It cannot easily be done in isolation but in co-operation with
Work attempts to
change things for the better even when the worst may not be avoided in the
Work is a personal
activity. In other words, it is one of the things that distinguish man from
Importance of Work
various kinds of work play important roles in the life of not only the
individual but also the whole society as seen below.
Work provides income
to the individuals. This income got from working helps in solving so many
pressing problems in life.
Work helps man to
obtain basic needs of life such as food, shelter and medical care among others.
These needs are very important for the survival of man.
Work promotes
understanding and co-operation in the society. It brings people together hence
creating friendship and solidarity.
Through work, people
are able to discover and develop their hidden talents. Therefore, it becomes a
center of discovery of where one belongs.
Work makes an
individual recognized and accepted by other members of the community. This
means that an individual becomes known through the work he or she is doing.
Work relieves the
individuals from boredom and redundancy. This is important as it may help to
reduce the rate of crime in the society since the members are occupied almost
all the time.
7. Work helps in
the development of the society. This is based on the positive changes work
produces including cultivation and building houses among others.
8. Work enables
the individuals to acquire some skills and techniques. This is based on the
training on jobs, which makes an individual acquire some experiences.
9. Work is a
fulfillment of God's commands as recorded in Genesis 1:28. God commanded man to
bring the world under control through co-creation. Doing some work is, therefore
being obedient to God's instruction.
10. Work promotes
people's cultures. This is particularly true with activities depicting the way
of life of a given society like funeral rites, initiation ceremonies,
protecting, cleaning Kabaka's tomb and others.
11. Work fulfills
social obligations such as marriage. This important activity in the life of the
community as they help to bring people together.
12. Work helps in
uplifting the status of the disadvantaged such as the orphans, widows, Disabled,
elderly, refuges and others. Such people are assisted by being fed, sheltered,
and clothed among others.
13. Work improves on
people's standard of living. People are able to acquire good facilities in life
such as houses, education, cars, medical care and others through hard work.
the present situation, the ideas about work are changing very fast. People now
look at work in different ways. The patterns of work are also changing with the
passage of time as summarized below.
Work involves the
payment of salary or wage. This has become the commonest idea, which people aim
at. Therefore, work depends on the capacity to pay the cash.
2. Today, the religious
aspect of work has been forgotten. Most people do ignore God in their different
premises of work.
The idea of employers
and employees has come up in the field of work today. In any work place, there
is always a master or a boss and the subordinate. This may be due to the money
economy where some people are richer and others poorer.
There is an
increasing level of unemployment in the society today. Despite the required
qualifications, many people are jobless. This is being caused by theoretical
nature of the education system and the mechanization of work among others.
Most work is time
tabled. People work according to the already specified hours normally from
8:00am to 5:00pm. It is common to hear people talk about office hours.
The level of
education attained is highly considered in work. A person is expected to have
acquired a certain educational standard to be deemed fit for the job. This
includes bachelor degrees and diploma among others.
7. There is strict
supervision in work by employers. The workers are closely monitored and in some
cases required to sign in arrival and attendance book.
Work is also
mechanized. The use of machines like tractors and computers is greatly employed
in the field of work. This helps to simplify work. However, it has also
contributed to the high level of unemployment.
Modern work is characterized
by laziness. There is a tendency of people doing work roughly without much
commitment. Some people have even gone ahead to employ others to work their
10. Work is highly specialized. Individuals are trained to do
a particular piece of work. This means that they cannot perform in any other
departments or fields properly. For example, a teacher may not be able to do
the work of a doctor and vice versa.
11. People work
irrespective of sex, age and status. Both men and women can do the same type of
work like accountancy and preaching among others.
12. Work is characterized by fierce competition. People tend
to fight for the few available vacancies. This has led to labour instability.
1. There is a preference
for white-collar jobs. They prefer office and salaried jobs as opposed to
manual work.
Individualism has
entered the Geld of work. A person works single handedly without being supported
by the community.
There is an
increasing level of greediness and selfishness in work today. This is what has
promoted corruption, embezzlement and bribery. The technical know-how has also
been replaced by the technical know-who.
Work is materialistic
in nature. People work to acquire certain material values in life such as
obtaining promotions, building houses, buying vehicles and many others. Some
people would even prefer to leave their jobs after satisfying these needs.
The value of leisure
is increasing being ignored as part of work. People are always occupied with
different activities without sparing some time for resting.
Revision Questions
1. Explain the changing patterns of work today.
2. How is work today different from that of
African Traditional Society?
The attitude of the youth
towards work today
1. There is an
increasing demand for White-collar jobs among the youth. They prefer sitting in
offices to manual work which they look at as being unclean and not fit for
2. The youth have
strong desires for high salaries in the jobs they are doing. This is the major
reason behind some youth failing to get employed.
3. The youth
prefer work having friendly environment including soft music, fans, clean and
good breakfast lunch and others.
4. The youth
prefer holding a high position. Most of them dream of being bosses where they
simply give commands and are respected.
5. Having good job
is considered a measure of success among the youth. This seems to be the most
desired goal being held by most of the youth today.
6. Some youth are
generally lazy. They want to have a high standard of living but without doing
any work.
7. The youth
prefer a job giving enough time for leisure. In other words, they desire having
enough enjoyment after a given task.
8. Most youth are
more interested in jobs located in urban areas. This is because of the good
services in urban centers. The education system in Uganda is also being blamed
for contributing to such a feeling among the youth.
9. Most youth
today work with the intention of obtaining luxuries such as good cars, radio
systems, telephones, televisions and others. Very few are interested in
10. The youth today
prefer popular jobs such as being a lawyer, journalist an accountant, doctor
and others. This can be seen in the way they make their choices when joining
tertiary institutions.
Factors to consider when
choosing a career
term career refers to a job for which an individual is trained. In a career, it
should be possible for the individual to advance during the working life so
that he or' she gets a greater responsibility. In other words, career is an
occupation of an individual. It includes being a teacher, doctor, farmer,
builder, lawyer and many others. Therefore, for an individual to make a proper
choice of career, he or she should consider the following.
1. The education
level attained should be considered. This is because it imparts on the
individual the skills and techniques necessary for a given piece of work.
2. There is need
to consider the availability of the job itself In other words, the job of
interest should physically be present within the locality. This explains why
some individuals may remain unemployed when the job they have qualified for
cannot be attained.
3. One should also
consider the level of the expected income. This is increasingly becoming a
major factor because of the monetary and economic world we are living in. In
most cases, people tend to choose a career that is highly paid.
4. The natural
talent one has in possession should be taken into consideration when choosing a
career. Such talents may become a strong foundation for the individual to
succeed in the job of interest. This is because, there are some careers
including sporting, preaching, acting drama, professional singing and many
others that cannot be influenced by external factors.
5. The faith and
belief of an individual is also important in determining one's future job. The
job is question must be in line with one's faith if he or she is to perform the
duty well. For example, it becomes difficult for a Muslim to work in pork
butchery. In the same way, it is also difficult for a Christian to work on a
Sunday because it is contradictory to one's faith.
6. The interests
and the like of an individual should be taken into consideration when choosing
a career. This becomes a driving force, which keeps the individual focused to
his or her career. It may also ensure the love for such a job.
7. One should take
into consideration the health status when choosing a career. For example, an
individual suffering from pneumonia cannot work as a police person at night
guarding. In the same way, a lame individual cannot become a professional
8. The surrounding
environment or better still the geographical location of an individual is
important in determining the future career. For example, an individual cannot
become a farmer if the soil is not conducive for crop and animal husbandry. The
location of the job may also be costly for the individual to afford.
9. The career
guidance a person received before, during and after school also helps in
shaping an individual's future career. Such an individual is made to understand
the job available and the problems associated with them. This gives the
individual the opportunity to make up his or her mind.
10. Cultural
background also has some influence on the work to be done. Culture as a way of
life based on the informal education transmits into an individual some skills,
which he or she may employ in doing activities like herding, crop growing, home
economics and many others.
11. One should also
consider his or her physical strength or energy in choosing a career. This is
because certain jobs including laying bricks, mechanics, soldering among others
need the physical strength of the individual.
12. The level of
satisfaction and comfort to be achieved from the piece of work should be taken
into consideration. Fringe benefits such as housing, transport, and medical
care among others are important as they may help the individual in the
day-to-day living.
13. Marital status
should be taken into consideration as one chooses his or her career. For
example, some jobs including soldiering, nursing and secretarial among others
do not allow married partners to be together most of the time. In the same
line, being a priest in the Catholic Church requires the individual to be
14. There is need to
consider the job security when making a choice for a career. The job in
question should have a guaranteed security such that the individual cannot be
easily sacked from it anytime at any today’s will.
Problems associated with work today
today is associated with a lot of problems. This may explain why many workers
tend to complain a lot about the job they are doing. These problems include the
1. Some workers
today are subjected to long hours of work. They leave home very early in the
morning and go back late in the evening or even at night. This leaves the
family unattended to. This has made workers slaves of time.
2. There is a high
level of job insecurity. The workers are easily laid off without prior
3. There is an
increasing fierce competition and rivalry in the field of work. People struggle
for the few available vacancies. This has resulted into enmity, witchcraft and
death among others. This is one of the major causes of labour instability and
4. The workers are
also suffering from taxes. Taxes such as pay as you earn tend to leave the
workers with little disposable income. This means that some personal and family
needs are left unattended to.
5. There is also a
lot of unemployment in work today. Despite having the required qualification,
many people are redundant. They simply sit at home after moving up and down
looking for jobs but failing to get one.
6. Work today has
made man neglect his faith. Some of the work does not allow an individual to
praise God as he or she strives for survival.
7. Work today has
led to neglect of family. This is because the parents are pre-occupied all the time
with some given tasks. It is even worst where some parents carry office work to
their respective homes.
8. Sexual
harassment is also increasingly becoming common in different work premises.
This is especially done by some bosses who demand for sexual intercourse from
their subordinate as a security measure of maintaining the job in question.
9. Workers are
faced with the problem of retrenchment. Workers are laid off or dismissed by
the employers with the claim of reducing costs. What makes it awkward is the
recruitment of new workers to replace the old ones who had been asked to leave.
10. Too much specialization
has become a problem in the field of work. In this case, an individual is
trained in only one field and he or she cannot perform any duty in other
11. There is also
boredom in the field of work. This comes as a result of doing the same job
repeatedly. In some given case, the workers simply sit without having anything
to do. This redundancy discourages them and lowers their morale.
12. Workers are
being faced with the problem of nepotism. This is the practice where one
favours his or her family members or friends in relation to giving jobs,
promotion and salaries. This is done regardless of their capability leaving the
qualified and capable people to suffer.
13. There is under
payment of workers today. The workers are paid little or less money compared to
the workload and the hours of work. This leaves the workers unable to sustain
their families well.
14. There is also
delay in payment of the workers. This tends to force some workers to keep on
borrowing. As they receive their payments, they instead spend the money clear
their debts.
15. There is also an
increasing level of corruption in the field of work. Some people in authority
tend to misuse their offices to exploit others. They do everything possible to
get themselves rich at the expense of the others.
16. In some given
cases, workers are not paid at all. The workers are left to suffer without the
salaries or wages. This has been the major cause of strikes in some companies.
17. Tribalism is
also common in work today. The employers tend to favour their own tribe mates
while giving jobs, promotions and salaries among others even when they are not
Revision Questions
1. Explain the problems associated with work in
your community.
2. Why do some people abandon their work ill the
present situation?
3. Give reasons to explain why some Ugandans
prefer working abroad?
Christian advice to
workers in poor conditions
the many problems in work Christians should always be advised to continue
working. This is because of the following.
I. The work of
Christians is a call from God as a co-creator. Christians should therefore
continue to work since it is God's intention that the society should, be
2. Christians
should remain hopeful. They have to be contented that the best could still be
achieved in the nearby future. Jesus kept on preaching the good news even He
was being opposed.
3. Christians are
to remain patient and endure whatever condition of service they are
experiencing. They should imitate the example of Jesus Christ who even worked
in situations that appeared helpless.
4. Christians
should continuously engage in prayers as they seek for solutions. Prayers open
Christians to God's help. Jesus prayed to God for assistance during His
ministry. (Mark 1:35).
5. Christians
should work not only expecting the earthly rewards but also the heavenly
rewards. Jesus pointed out that the final goal of work is the union with God
and fellow man. (John 6:27).
6. Christians
should go for further studies so as to improve their paper qualifications. This
would help to meet standards required in the job market.
7. Christians
should form co-operative groups or society. Through such groups, they may be
able to bargain for a fair payment and share ideas. They can also bring their
resources together like money to start a better business.
8. Christians
should look at work as a service to the society. Therefore, they should
continue to work and expect to be paid in the future irrespective of the way.
9. It is important
for Christians to begin saving and later invest. This may require setting up or
a project, which in the end may offer a good living.
10. Christians
should diversify their chances of earning as long as it does not interfere or
compete with their daily routine.
11. Christians
should go for guidance and counselling. This can be as an eye opener. Such
people may come to adjust their perception of the realities behind life.
12. Christians
should accept any type of work just as Jesus did humble jobs like carpentry. In
other words, Christians should avoid over expectation in the daily life
13. Christians
should copy the examples of Jesus' disciples who worked without any payment.
They should simply serve the needs of the community.
The traditional African attitudes
to work
was one of the most important aspects of human life in African traditional
society. For this reason, each and every member had a role to play.
was, therefore, part of the livelihood of the community. The understanding of work
and the patterns of work among the traditional Africans include the following.
1. Work was
related to the provision of basic needs like food and shelter. The people
strived and work harder to obtain such needs for their survival.
2. Work took place
in a religious context. Special rites were carried out "before cultivating,
planting and harvesting. They also offered some part of their first harvest to
God ancestors or spirits.
3. Work was a
social activity. People worked together as a community and helped one another
often with songs done. They also prepared common meals for those working on
common activities like planting and harvesting among others. Among the Acholi
people, harvesting millet and ground nuts was done a group of women
4. Laziness in
work was highly discouraged and never promoted at all. Lazy people were
isolated and could even be punished.
5. Work was done
for free without any payment or reward. People only aimed at showing their
skills and in serving others.
6. Work was a
personal activity. It was purely under and individuals own control without
regard to any forceful means. People also used their creativity, which led to
their satisfaction in the achievement.
7. Work was
divided according to sex, age, rank (status) and ability. The young and the old
women and men, boys and girls, leaders and subordinates had different roles to
play. In Buganda, all domestic duties like cooking, fetching water and
cultivation were strictly for women. The men had the duty of hunting and making
backcloth. This meant that division of labour was widely practiced.
8. The young were
taught how to work by the elders. They could copy the work of the elders basing
on their sexes. This ensured that children were introduced to the field of work
when they were in their early ages.
9. Work was
manually done. People used their own hands and creativity in their daily
activities without regard to any machines.
10. Leisure was
promoted after work in traditional Africa. Leisure activities such as beer
parties and storytelling were common after a completion of a piece of work.
This helped the people to rest after a long day of work.
11. There was
freedom regarding the time of work in traditional Africa. It was done at any
time without having a specific hour designed for a given activity.
12. Everyone was a
worker. Each individual member had to contribute something towards the
development of the community. This means that there was no idler or loiterer in
any African community.
13. There was
limited competition in work in traditional Africa. People worked to show their
skills and win praises.
14. There were no
sudden changes or decisions made concerning the patterns of work. People simply
borrowed from the first experience and promoted what was believed to be the
normal aspect of work.
15. There was no
supervision in work in traditional Africa. Each individual worker knew his or
her role and strived to do any given task thoroughly.
1. Explain the patterns of work in African
traditional society
2. How was work understood in the African past?
3. Explain the understanding of work in
traditional African.
4. Show that work was a social activity in
African Traditional Society
5. Give reasons to explain why there was no unemployment in African traditional society.
Licensed under the Developing Nations 2.0
A complete talking Book for Uganda certificate of Education