We are
looking at this change with emphasis on Africa. The body of the church began
at Pentecost when the apostles received the gift of the Holy Spirit as Jesus
Christ had promised before his ascension. This marked the beginning of a long
history of the church beginning with the Acts of the Apostles up to date involving
numerous changes.
Acts of the Apostles that
caused changes
ascension of Jesus Christ left the apostles with a lot of tasks to perform in
order to change the world into a better one. Jesus instructed the apostles to
change all people into believers before his second coming (Mathew 28:16-19,
Mark 16: 14-18). Therefore they fulfilled this in the following ways.
The apostles preached
the gospel orally. (Acts 8:12 & 19:8). This enabled people to have access
to the good news of salvation.
The apostles wrote
epistles to various Christian communities. For example, St. Paul 'wrote to
Corinth, Galatia, Ephesus and others.
The apostles baptized
people in various places. This changed people from being non believers to
believers. (Acts 19:5-6).
The apostles carried
out missionary journeys. They travelled to different communities where they
preached the good news. For example, S1. Paul travelled to Rome Syria among
The apostles helped
the needy such as the poor, orphans and widows by giving them food and shelter.
This assistance reduced the level of suffering among Christians.
The apostles
conducted catechism by setting up various centers. In such places, Christians
were constantly guided on the basic principles of their faith. (Acts 14:23).
This eased the spread of the good news.
The apostles
conducted fellowship. They shared ideas and meals with other believers. This
promoted unity among the believers (Acts 2:42 - 47).
The apostles founded
churches in trying to change the communities in which they were living and
travelling. This encouraged the spirit of prayers among believers.
The apostles
performed miracles. This made many people to believe in the gospel being
10. The apostles prayed and encouraged other believers to do
the same. This strengthened believer's faith.
11. The apostles shared Holy Communion among themselves and
with other believers. In doing so, they reminded the believers about the blood
of Jesus Christ that saved them from the power of sin and death.
12. The apostles trained leaders to act as agents in the
spread of the good news. For example, Saint Paul trained Timothy and Titus.
Changes Brought about by
Missionaries in Africa
Christian missionaries came to Africa in the 19th Century. They came
with a lot of changes including the following.
The missionaries
introduced monotheism. This was opposed to the worshipping of many gods widely
practiced in Africa.
The missionaries
built churches in different places. They replaced shrines as worshipping
places. In Uganda, churches such as Namirembe Cathedral and Rubaga Cathedral
among others were built.
The Christian
missionaries introduced formal education by building schools. In Uganda,
schools such as Namilyango College, Gayaza High School, Mengo Senior School and
others were built. This marked the beginning of the fight against ignorance and
illiteracy among the Africans.
The Christian
missionaries built hospitals. This improved on the health of status of
Africans. In Uganda; Dr. Albert Cook founded Mengo hospital in 1897.
The Christian
missionaries campaigned for the abolition of slavery and slave trade. They
sensitized the masses about the need for treating one another with respect and
human dignity. This later resulted into the abolition of slave trade, which
relieved the Africans from the suffering they had been going through.
The Christian
missionaries introduced modern methods of farming such as crop rotation and
using machines among others. This was accompanied by the introduction of new
crops such as cotton, coffee, pineapple, yarns and others.
The Christian
missionaries opened up Africa to the outside world. Africa, which was regarded,
as a "dark continent" became known all over the world. This resulted
into more foreign people coming to Africa.
The Christian missionaries
introduced foreign languages such as English, French, Italian and Germans among
others. This eased communication among different African tribes and even with
the outside world.
The Christian
missionaries raised the status of women. Women started being treated in the
same way as men. This was opposed to the situation in traditional Africa where
women were considered inferior and men superior.
10. The missionaries introduced new skills in life such as
carpentry and laying bricks.
11. The Christian missionaries introduced modern transport
and communication. Roads and railway lines were constructed.
12. The missionaries translated the scriptures in various
African languages. This gave the chance to some Africans who did not know other
languages to have access to the good news.
13. The Christian missionaries introduced monogamy in
marriage relationships.
14. The missionaries introduced the value of single life (celibacy).
This was opposed to the traditional African view where marriage was compulsory.
The missionaries introduced new methods and ideas of administration. The
colonial government replaced the traditional leaders. This reduced the power of
the leaders such" as the kings; chiefs and clan leaders.
Challenges the missionaries
faced in bringing changes to Africa
The Language barrier
made it difficult for the missionaries to communicate with the Africans.
Hostile tribes such
as the Nandi and the Masai constantly attacked the missionaries.
Tropical diseases
such as malaria and small pox killed a great number of the missionaries.
There was religious
conflict among them. Christians themselves and with the Muslims who had already
established themselves firmly.
The missionaries were
faced with rigid cultures in Africa. Some Africans failed to abandon their
cultural practices such as twin dancing and human sacrifices, which the
Christians were against.
Wild animals such as
lions frequently attacked the missionaries. This caused fear and panic among
the Christians thus delaying their activities.
The missionaries were
few in number compared to the vast areas of Africa and the work they had to do.
The missionaries were
challenged by the climate of Africa. This was in the form of either heavy
rainfall or too much sunshine.
The illiteracy and
the ignorance of the Africans was a big blow to the missionaries. Even when the
changes being brought were good to the Africans, some Africans failed to accept
10. The missionaries lacked proper means of transport. They
could not penetrate the thick forests and bushes of Africa.
11. The slave traders opposed the missionaries. Both the
African leaders and the Arabs looked at the
abolition of slave trade as being a threat to their survival.
12. There was no proper means of communication to their home
countries. Because of this, even when the missionaries wanted more resources,
they found themselves cut off.
The contributions of
African christians in causing changes
Adrian Atman
· He was born in about 1870 in West Africa. He came from
the Songhai people.
· He was taken as a slave at his tender age in North Africa
but was freed by the White Fathers in 1877.
· After being educated by the missionaries, he helped to
train doctors and catechists in an institute at Malta.
· In 1888, he began his work as a doctor in Tanzania where
he treated so many people.
· He lived an exemplary life. He showed others how to be
faithful and devoted in work and in marriage.
· He portrayed a good image of Africans abroad, especially
among the French, Belgians and the British through his devotion to work.
Because of this, he received an award of Welcome Medal from the Welcome
Foundation, which had a role of promoting tropical medicines.
· Atman established a Christian family by marrying a Banda
princess named Agnes. His son Joseph was also ordained as a Catholic priest in 1925.
· He died in 1958.
Apollo Kivebulaya
Kivebulaya was a Ugandan born in 1864.
Anglican missionaries baptized him in 1895 after being a soldier for a number
of years.
worked as a catechist where he guided people on Christian principles.
made missionary journeys. In 1895, he travelled to Toro in Western Uganda. In
the following year, he went to Mboga (the current Democratic Republic of Congo)
where people wanted to learn about Christianity.
led an exemplary life. He associated with all kinds of people. For example, he
showed love and care to the people of Mboga even when he was being opposed.
converted and baptized many people in Mboga land. He made them drop their
traditional practices for the sake of the gospel.
preached the good news for fifteen years in Toro after leaving Mboga. He could
travel hundreds of miles on foot preaching the gospel to scattered groups of
taught his followers how to build churches. He encouraged the planting of trees
so that they could get timber that would be used in the building programme.
created unity among Christians. For example, his return to Mboga made the
isolated church came back to life again and began spreading.
translated St. Mark's gospel into the local language of the pygmies beginning
from 1921 onwards.
died in 1933 and left his only possession, one cow, to the church at Mboga.
1. In Genesis 1
and 2 change is a gradual process involving stages. God created the world in
six days. Each day came with a particular task being performed and completed.
2. God through his creational activities
transformed the formless and empty world.
3. God gave equal
responsibility to the human beings both male and female to act as procreators.
They were commanded to multiply and fill the world (Genesis 1 :26)
4. Besides, God
gave man the power to bring about change in his environment as a co-creator. He
is commanded to bring the world under his control (Genesis 1:27-28).
5. God instructed
human beings to use the worldly resources for the good of their community. This
meant that man had to work to bring about change in his living (Genesis 1:29-30).
6. However, in
changing his environment, man is limited and dependent on God. God gave man the
responsibility of naming other creatures but only for him to realize that there
was no suitable companion (Genesis 2: 18-21).
7. In Genesis 3: 1
ff, man fell gravely before God as they tried to change the world. Adam and Eve
ate the forbidden fruit and experienced negative changes. The woman was made
submissive to the man for whom the soil being cursed for his survival.
8. However, by
punishing man, God showed his readiness and willingness to help change for the
9. To begin his
salvation process, God called Abraham. This was essentially a call to change.
He intended to help man out his fallen and change the course of their lives. Abraham
had his name changed and he began worshipping only God among others Genesis 12:1ff,
10. God’s call to
Moses was also call to change. In a personal relationship, God instructed Moses
to leave the median land and go back to Egypt to deliver the Israelites from slavery.
This meant that Moses was to change from rearing the sheep of his father-in-law
(Jethro) to becoming the leader of His chosen people the Israelites (Exodus 3: 1
11. Through the
Passover event, the Israelites experienced great changes in their lives. The disasters
that befell the Egyptians finally marked the beginning of freedom of the
Israelites from slavery and their movement to the Promised Land. (Exodus 7:
12. The Israelites
received the Decalogue from God through Moses at the foot of Mt. Sinai. This
was a unique code of laws meant to change the conducts of the Israelites
towards God and amongst themselves.
13. In Exodus 24: 1
ff the Israelites made a covenant with God. This later came to be called the
Sinai covenant. It was an agreement where God promised to be the father of the Israelites
if only they could remain loyal to him. This covenant marked the beginning of a
new relationship between God and His people.
14. Israel as a
nation experienced a change in her leadership. It changed from being a
theocratic to a monarchical nation. This had followed their demand for a
physical king. This demand came in at a time when God, their ruler had just
brought them to the Canaan land from Egypt where they had been slaves (1 Samuel
8: 1-10). God fulfilled this by appointing Saul as their first physical King.
15. The Israelites
practiced religious hypocrisy. They worshipped Yahweh (God) together with other
gods. This was a change which was contrary to the covenant agreement.
16. The Israelites
experienced social injustices among themselves. They practiced prostitution and
adultery. The two sons of Eli used to have sex with the women serving in the
tent of the Lord's entrance. King David also committed adultery with Bathsheba
who was married to Uriah.
17. In Ezekiel 37: 1ff
God is presented as being in full control of changing everything. He is seen to
change the lifeless into life.
18. The prophetic
movement was a significant step in God's plan to change the behaviour of the
Israelites. They condemned the misbehavior of Israelites towards God and among
themselves, and made a call for them to return to the basic covenant values of
serving God and neighbours. (Amos 5:7-15, 21-27 and 6:1-7).
The changes Abraham
experienced after his call (Genesis 12)
Genesis 12: 1 ff, Abraham is introduced as the ancestor of the Israelites who
was called by God. His call was essentially a call to change. He experienced
the following changes after his call.
1. Abraham
experienced the change of homeland. He moved from Haran to unknown land that
later came to be known as the Canaan land. This was in response to God's
command. (Genesis 12:1-4).
2. Abraham
experienced a change in name. He was originally known as Abram but after his
call he came to be known as Abraham (Genesis 17:5).
3. Abraham also
changed his religion. He was a pagan worshipping many gods, but changed to the
worship of the one true God. In other words, Abraham changed from polytheism to
4. Through his
call, Abraham became a source of blessing to all mankind. God is quoted as
saying, "through you, I will bless all the nations". (Genesis 13:3).
This was a change in status considering that Abraham was simply an ordinary
5. Abraham made a
covenant with God. This was an agreement that renewed the relationship between
man and God following the disobedience of Adam and Eve in Genesis 3. (Genesis
6. Abraham changed
from offering human sacrifices to the sacrifice of animals like the lambs,
bulls, goats and birds.
7. Abraham
experienced a change of all male descendants being circumcised. This was to act
as an outward sign of the covenant Abraham had made with God. (Genesis 17: 1ff).
8. Abraham was
told that he would be given a son. This meant a change in his heir. Abraham had
a belief that his heir would be Believer of Damascus. This was fulfilled when
Isaac was born. (Genesis 15:1ff).
9. Abraham got
assured of divine protection. God promised to bless those who bless him and
curse those who curse him. (Genesis 12:3).
10. Abraham left his
father's house and relatives and started a new family with his wife (Sarah),
nephew (Lot) and the servant (Genesis 12:4-5).
11. Abraham built
alters to the lord who had appeared to him. These alter became places for
worshipping God through offering sacrifices. (Genesis 12:7-8).
12. Abraham
experienced a test of his faith by God. God commanded him to offer his only son
Isaac as a sacrifice and he responded positively. God however stopped him from
doing so and gave him a ram to offer. This was after realization that Abraham
had respect to His commands. (Genesis 22: 1ff).
Prophets as agents of
change in the Old Testament
were God's spokespersons. God called them, anointed commissioned them to go to
the people of Israel who had become disobedience, rebellious and unrepentant.
In their involvement, the prophets did the following.
1. The prophets
encouraged and helped to restore monotheism (the worshiping of only Yahweh).
2. They called for
repentance among the people of Israel. For example, Prophet Elijah asked King
Ahab to repent and turn back God.
3. The prophets
performed miracles. Elijah raised a widow's son while he was in the wilderness
during the reign of King Ahab.
4. The prophets
purified the land of Israel that had been defiled by foreign religious
practices like worshipping idols.
5. The prophets
predicted the future of Israel. For example, Prophet Amos talked about a period
when Israel would be taken into exile and indeed they were taken to Babylon
(Amos 7:17)
6. The prophets
portrayed God's love for Israel. Prophet Hosea dramatized God's love for Israel
by marrying a prostitute named Gomer (Hosea 1: 1 ff).
7. The prophets
encouraged Israel to place their confidence and trust in Yahweh protection.
Prophet Isaiah urged King Ahaz to withdraw from his alliance with the emperor
of Assyria and trust in God for his protection.
8. The prophets
called for fairness among the people of Israel by condemning social injustices
like corruption in the courts of law.
9. The prophets
appointed and anointed political and a religious leaders in Israel. For example,
Elijah anointed Jehu as a King of Israel and Elisha to replace him as a
10. Some of the
prophets acted as advisors to the Kings of Israel. For example, advised King
David about his plan of building a temple for God (2Samuel 7: 1 ff)
11. The prophets
reminded the Israelites of the covenant relationship with God (Amos 5:7-15.
21-27 and 6: 1-7). This helped the Israelites to remain firm in their faith.
12. The prophets
explained the nature of sins and their consequences. This gave the Israelites
the chance to repent their sins.
13. The prophets
helped the Israelites to have hope in life. This could come at a time when the
Israelites could have lost contact with God. For example, Hosea helped to
restore hope among the Israelites when he announced that they would once more
be called the children of God. (Hosea 1: 10-11).
14. The prophets
liberated the Israelites from suffering. For example, Elijah changed the course
of suffering when he prayed to God and rain after a three-year's drought (1 king
18: Iff).
15. The prophets
pronounced judgments in Israel. For example, prophet Amos pronounced God's
judgment in the form of fire destroying the palace built by King Hazael, (Amos 1:
the parable of the three servants where two were rewarded for using their
talents well, one condemned for failure of doing so. (Mathew 25: 14-30).
12. In Mark 2:
18-22, Jesus challenged the Pharisees to change their understanding of fasting.
Jesus points out that the Pharisees did not know why they were fasting as were
the case in Isaiah 58: 1 ff He expected his listeners to change their attitude
and look at him as the ideal link to God.
13. Through the
passion, death and resurrection of Jesus, man is given the power to acquire a
new life and live more humanly as sons and daughters of God. (Ephesians 2:
14. 1 Corinthians
12: 12-26 looks at a sinner experiencing a spiritual change after accepting
Jesus in his or her life. S1. Paul points out that a sinner becomes united with
Christ and the entire community.
15. Man is called
upon to break the barriers to fellowship through his or her loving service.
This is a call tor man to act as an agent of change within the wider community
in waiting for the day of fellowship with God and each other (James 2: 8-13).
16. Jesus asked his followers to change if they
were to inherit the father's kingdom.
Revision Question
kind of change did Jesus expect from his followers?
1. Christians
should have love for God and each other. Jesus loved God and man to the point
of giving his own life and this helped to reconcile man with God and fellow
2. Christians
should preach the good news of salvation just as Jesus did. This can help to
give hope, especially to those suffering.
3. Christians
should offer counselling and guidance services. This can give direction to
those in stressful situations.
4. Christians
should organize and participate in fellowships. This is important in bringing
them together and promoting unity.
5. By leading
exemplary lives. Christians can help to influence the lives of others in a
positive way,
6. By organizing
seminars or conferences, Christians can help to sensitize others and discuss
about important issues disturbing the people in the community.
7. Christians
should pray and even encourage others to do the same. Through prayers people
achieve their goals in life and realize that nothing is impossible with God.
8. Christians
should obey the rules and regulations governing the society. Jesus also obeyed
the rules of the Roman government by encouraging the payment of tax.
9. By helping the
needy such as the orphans, widows, disabled and others, Christians can change
the status of such people, This may be by giving them toad, medical care,
shelter and education,
10. Christians can
also translate the scriptures in the languages easily understood by people.
This may give the opportunity to people to read and understand the gospel
message which may eventually inspire the lives of many people.
11. Christians can
change their environment by giving support to useful clubs or associations such
as Young Christian Society (Y.C.S), Scripture Union (S.U), and Mother's Unions
(M.U). Through these associations, unity can be promoted.
12. By carrying out
baptism. Christians can help to win the souls of people. Therefore, nonbelievers
are changed into believers.
13. Christians can
bring about change by organizing bible studies. This can influence people to
lead pure and holy lives.
14. Christians can
act as bridge builders by reconciling conflicts among people. This can promote
peace and harmony.
Licensed under the Developing Nations 2.0
A complete talking Book for Uganda certificate of Education