Success refers to achieving one's desired or set goal(s) within a specified period of time. This could be excellence in education and marriage among others.

Success requires that targets are set and a means for achieving the set targets are within the reach of a person.

Success differs from person to person depending on one's set goals, visions, priorities and opportunities.

Settling GOALS

Identify the goals to be achieved within the specified period

Identity the means of achieving the goals. These are the resources available.

The goals identified should be given a time frame or the period in which they can be achieved.

Identity strength and weakness in pursuing the set goals.

One should identify the activities, the skills needed and the people to work with in order to achieve the intended goals.

One should plan on how to achieve the goals by getting all the resources put in order to.    The goals set should be within the reach of a person. In other words, the goals should be within one's ability.

One should take actions and work towards the achievements of the goals set.

One should use the opportunities available in order to achieve the desired goals.

Important values to consider in achieving one's goal

        Hard work.

        Loyalty (commitment and faithfulness)

        Resilience- the ability to persist even in difficult situations








        Planning to Prayers

Success in the Present Situation

Success today may not necessarily differ from individual to individual. There are generally accepted indicators and features that different people use to measure success. These include the following.

1. Material wealth such as attractive houses, huge sums of money and vehicles among others are considered success. It is believed that they reflect the serious efforts put by the individuals to acquire them.   

2. Employment more especially white-collar jobs like accountancy, marketing managers and lawyers. Such employment offers ready sources of income, which makes one's life better.

3. Attending and attaining formal education. Possessing such academic qualifications diploma, degree or masters means that an individual is assured of getting jobs.

4. To some individuals, having children is a success in life. Children are considered blessings in marriage and their presence is a fulfillment of God's intention for marriage as recorded in Genesis 1:27 - 28.

5. Success today lies in having good health. This is because diseases such as AIDS, malaria and Cholera among others are claiming the lives of many people.

6. Being in a good marriage characterized by love, respect and faithfulness among others is counted as success in life. Many young people look forward to marriage after completing education and acquiring jobs.

7. To other individuals, living longer is to be successful today. This is particularly true with the old aged considering that many could have died at an early age.

8. Some people consider spiritual development as success. They are joyful that God is with them because they believe that everything is possible with God.

9. Some consider moral uprightness as living a successful life. A well behaved person is respected, admired and regarded as a role model in his or her community.

10.    Being victorious or a winner in any competitive election is being successful in life. These people are believed to be of high integrity and the rightful choices to be given votes by the general population.

11.    Having power and prestige or being influential in the society is considered as success today. This may be because of the respect given to such individuals having the authority to influence or control the affairs of the community through their various services.

12.    Success is also based on observing and fulfilling cultural obligations. Cultures being a way of life remind the people of their true identity. It also creates the sense of belonging to the particular group of people. Therefore, respect to such cultures is one step forward to achieving goals of the society.

13.    Being popular in a community is living successfully to some people. Celebrities like models, musicians and the wealthy among others feel great because of being admired by many people.

Success in the Present Situation

Success today may not necessarily differ from individual to individual. There are generally accepted indicators and features that different people use to measure success. These include the following.

Material wealth such as attractive houses, huge sums of money and vehicles among others are considered success. It is believed that they reflect the serious efforts put by the individuals to acquire them.

Employment more especially white-collar jobs like accountancy, marketing managers and “lawyers. Such employment offers ready sources of income, which makes one's life better.

Attending and attaining formal education. Possessing such academic qualifications diploma, degree or masters means that an individual is assured of getting jobs.

To some individuals, having children is a success in life. Children are considered blessings in marriage and their presence is a fulfillment of God's intention for marriage as recorded in Genesis 1:27 - 28.

Success today lies in having good health. This is because diseases such as AIDS, malaria and Cholera among others are claiming the lives of many people.

Being in a good marriage characterized by love, respect and faithfulness among others is counted as success in life. Many young people look forward to marriage after completing education and acquiring jobs.

To other individuals, living longer is to be successful today. This is particularly true with the old aged considering that many could have died at an early age.

Some people consider spiritual development as success. They are joyful that God is with them because they believe that everything is possible with God.

Some consider moral uprightness as living a successful life. A well behaved person is respected, admired and regarded as a role model in his or her community.

Being victorious or a winner in any competitive election is being successful in life. These people are believed to be of high integrity and the rightful choices to be given votes by the general population.

Having power and prestige or being influential in the society is considered as success today.

This may be because of the respect given to such individuals having the authority to influence or control the affairs of the community through their various services.

Success is also based on observing and fulfilling cultural obligations. Cultures being a way of life remind the people of their true identity. It also creates the sense of belonging to the particular group of people. Therefore, respect to such cultures is one step forward to achieving goals of the society.

Being popular in a community is living successfully to some people. Celebrities like models, musicians and the wealthy among others feel great because of being admired by many people.

Reasons for Failure in Achieving Goals

The following are the reasons why some people fail to achieve their goals.

Laziness especially if a person is reluctant to engage in any productive activity in order for him or her to get the means of achieving their goals.

Poor health caused by diseases like AIDS, measles and Malaria. Because the body is weakened by such diseases, it may become difficult for person to take any meaningful steps towards achieving goals.    

Poverty causes failure in life. This is where an individual lacks the means to realize his or her goals.

Natural calamities like flood and landslides can lead to failure. For example, flood and landslides in Eastern part of Uganda affected agriculture negatively as people's crops were destroyed as well as their life.

Heavy taxation by the government works against an individual's efforts to achieve his or her goals. The heavy taxes being imposed leaves people with little disposable income. This cannot allow the victims to meet all their obligations

Dependence burdens may lead to failure in life. In such a case, one may be having many people to cater for in terms of finance, accommodation and food among others. The resources available are easily consumed by the many people.

Some people fail to achieve their goals because of political instability. For example, the famous walk to Work Protest in 2011 by the opposition parties like Forum for Democratic Change and Democratic Party because of the rising food and fuel prices caused fear and brought many businesses to stand still. Besides, political instability is associated with destruction of property.

Failure in life is caused by alcoholism. The excess alcohol in the body renders the person weak and lazy to engage in any productive activity.

Some people fail to achieve their goal because they are jobless. Despite their qualifications and willingness to work, they cannot find the productive activities to help them achieve their desired goals.

Poor education system can cause failure in life especially when it is theoretical. Such a system tends to produce job seekers other than job creators.

Negative attitude about one's self and life in general can cause failure. This makes an individual to set a limit beyond which he or she cannot do anything.

Some people fail because .they are neglected at home by family members. Because of inadequate or no support at all, it becomes difficult for an individual to struggle alone.

Constant frustration can result into failure. After putting a lot of efforts and making of trials but without achieving much one can easily give up.

Some cultural rigidity in some communities contributes to the individual's failures to achieve their goals in life. In such cases, the cultures may not accommodate new changes in life. This restricts people's daily activities.

Failure in achieving one's goals is also attributed to the evil of corruption today. In this case, either an individual or a group of people uses the facilities that should aid all people towards success. This is a dilemma that leaves the rest in a poor condition where they cannot do anything for themselves.

Benefits of Success

        High standards of living


        Good governance e Moral uprightness

        Happiness among the people

        Greater economic development

        Peace and harmony in the society


        Independent living

        Political stability

        Creation of more jobs

Revision Question

Explain the success Uganda has attained since independence.

        Economic growth

        Political stability

        Emancipation of women

        Enforcement of human rights

        Improvement in education like Universal Primary and Secondary Education

        Improved communication

        Infrastructural development like roads

        Improved medical services as hospitals are training more health workers



        Good governance

        Formation of organizations both government and non-government organizations

        Free mass media

        Technological advancements like the use of internet. 

The Understanding of Success in Traditional Africa

Traditional Africans considered success as being in good relationship with the community members. They valued having friendship instead of quarrels and being interested in the welfare and prosperity of others.

Success meant possession of material wealth such as land and cattle among others. These material wealth provided security against social evils such as famine. Such individuals were also respected in the community.

Success was having concern for human dignity. It was for this reason that the disadvantaged people like the slow, cripple and the weak were not considered failures in lite. Provided they lived in good terms with others, the community always assisted them.

Success was being in good terms with the ancestral spirits. The Africans believed that the spirits blessed them. This was the reason Africans respected and feared the spirits.

Success was based on having wisdom in the community. This was an important tool in guiding the community members to achieve their goals.

Success was being victorious in tribal wars. According to the traditional Africans, victory in wars was a source of pride and guaranteed security against loss oflives and property.

Poverty was not considered a failure in life according to traditional Africans. As long as one could share with those who had, success could have been achieved. This was because of the communal way of life where all resources in the society belonged to all people.

Success in traditional Africa was being a hero. Having done great things for the benefit of the whole community like killing a lion that could have invaded a given village and winning battles alone was highly valued as it would save people iT-OIn the would be disasters like death and loss of property.

Having good harvest of food at the end of a season was considered success in traditional Africa. This guaranteed security against famine for the family members and the entire community.

Success according to traditional Africans was being married. Marriage was compulsory and it was a demonstration of one's maturity to live an adult and an independent life. All people desired this kind oflife as a way of fulfilling one of their cultural obligations.

Marrying many wives was an aspect of success in traditional Africa. Polygamous men held social high status in their community based on their responsibility of caring for the many wives together with their children.

Success was being faithful and observing the cultural values of the society. Cultures to the traditional Africans were important because it reflected the true identity of the people. It also brought pride and created the sense of belonging.

According to the traditional Africans, having many children was success. This was because children provided wealth, security and labour among others not only to the family but also to the whole community.

Revision Question

1. Explain the concept of success as understood in African traditional society

Success in Church History

The History of Christianity has often been presented as a successful story. The early Christians looked at success in terms of material achievement. They used such materials to measure success in the spread of Christianity. This includes the following.

1. The Christians measured success by the number of converts into Christianity. The greater the number of people becoming Christians, the greater the achievement.

2. The Christians measured success by the length of time Christianity had been in existence in a given place. The longer the time, the more successful the church could have been.

3. Success was measured by the geographical spread of Christianity. Christians wondered and imagined how Christianity which started in the Roman Empire later spread throughout Northern Europe, Asia, America and then Africa.

4. The Christians looked at success in terms of achievements in the arts such as beautiful buildings, pictures and sculptures produced in the service of the church.

5. Christians considered the importance and the influence of church leaders as being great achievement. They had pride in their leaders being influential in the politics of the community. This belief came as result of the respect with which people treated the Bishops and other church leaders.

6. Christians put emphasis on the roles played by secular rulers who were Christians. For example, Emperor Constantine of the Roman Empire who became a Christian was given a great place in the church because his conversion was seen to be an achievement basing on the work of the preachers.

7. However, the above idea of success came to a halt and eventually proved the Christians wrong. This was because of the later challenges, which they met as seen below.

8. Christ, the founder of Christianity was publicly executed. His friends also deserted Him and some of them did not even understand some of His preaching.

9. The death and ministry of Jesus Christ disappointed the disciples. This was because they thought Jesus could come as a political leader but not spiritual as He appeared.

10. The disciples had no proof to convince people that Christ had actually resurrected. This made people doubtful of the truth about Christianity.

11. The apostles also found themselves being persecuted. Peter and Paul, the two most important of the apostles in the spread and the foundation of the church faced persecution in Rome. This made them appear as failures to the common man.

12. The first Christians were slaves, poor and illiterate. The working rich class even oppressed them.

13. The Christians also faced serious persecution and torture especially in places where they were the minority like in the Roman Empire town of Scilli near Carthage.

A Changed Attitude to Success in Church History

This began from the middle age where Christians began looking at success in different ways as summarized below.

     Loving and sharing with others. This was to enable the church to grow rapidly as the first Christians did. (Acts 2:5 ff) Sacrifice of oneself for God and others just as Christ himself did.

     Being the light of the community by having faith and trust in God and leading others to do the same (Mathew 5:1ff, Luke 11:33).

     Working for justice for all people. Martin Luther publicly condemned injustice among the people.

     Christians looked at unity as the greatest step towards success.

The achievements of the early Christians

1. The Christians preached the gospel. Their preaching was about the messiah (Acts 8:4-8)

2. The Christians gave testimonies as they proclaimed the message of the lord. These testimonies helped to make the people believe more in the gospel truth (Acts 8:25).

3. The disciples converted people into believers thus the church was strengthened and it grew in number through carrying out water baptism (Acts 9:31).

4. They wrote epistles to various communities such as Corinth, Galatia and Rome.  

5. Paul wrote to the Corinthians on several times on puzzling questions including marriage and food offered to idols among others.

6. The Christians carried out charitable work. They distributed relief and donations to the needy in form of food. (Acts 6: 1-4).

7. They continued to perform miracles. For example Peter and John healed a lame man (Acts 3:1-10).

8. The Christians engaged in prayers. This became one way through, which they could communicate with God.

9. The believers shared their belongings. The rich in particular sold their property and shared the money with every one (Acts 4:32-37).

10.            They encouraged reconciliation among the believers. For example, they helped to reconcile the native Jews and the Greek speaking Jews over the disagreement concerning finances (Acts 6: 1-6).

10. There was fellowship among the believers. They continued coming together and sharing the words of God (Acts 2:44-47).

11. The Christians founded churches in various communities. St. Paul took the leading role in establishing the church in the communities he travelled like in Rome in his several visits.

12. The believers were involved in fasting as they copied the example of Jesus Christ.

13. During such times, they dedicated themselves to the service of God (Acts ]3 :1-3).

14. The early Christians laid hands on the people as Jesus had done before.

15. They also trained others to help them with the work of preaching the gospel of Jesus Christ. For example, Saint Paul trained Timothy and Titus.

16. The Christians shared Holy Communion with the people. This was done in memory of the Lord's last supper and the bloodshed through crucifixion.

Christianity in African Church (The Missionaries)

 Consideration should be given to the following already covered under the Sub-themes of Work and Service



Success in the Old Testament is a story of the struggle by the Israelites to understand their relationship with God and among themselves. They had to remain loyal to the covenant agreement they made with God if they were to achieve their desired goals. Therefore, the Old Testament teaches the following about success.

1. The main goal of man is being in union and harmony with God, fellow man and other creatures «, (Genesis I and 2). In these chapters, God is presented being in control and doing everything possible for man's success.   

2. Success is having trust and faith in God. Lack of these virtues results into failures in life just as Adam and Eve as well as the builders of the Tower of Babel failed in their relationship with God. (Genesis 3:1 ff and 1 I : 1 ff)

3. Success is giving oneself in a personal and total relationship to God. God promised the Israelites success only if they could depend on Him (Deuteronomy 6: 1 - 9).

4. To the Israelites, success was keeping and observing the laws God had given them. They had to love God and their neighbours and worship Him only. (Exodus 20: 1 ff).

5. Suffering is part of success. For example, Job suffered from God's strike but came out with blessing at the end. (Job 21. 7 - 15).

6. Related to the above, perseverance or endurance is success in life. Job tolerated the pain inflicted upon him but was victorious through being blessed

7. Success was based on material possessions. For example, the Israelites considered possession of tile Canaan land and being fruitful as great achievement in their lives.

8. Success meant freedom from slavery. The Israelites celebrated their freedom from Egyptian slavery through Moses on the command of God. (Exodus 12: 1 ff).

9. Success was associated with child bearing. Sarah; the wife of Abraham and Hannah; the wife of Elkanah were over whelmed when they achieved their goals of giving birth to Isaac and Samuel respectively. (Genesis 12: 6 and I Samuel 1:20).

10. Being just or fair to one's friends is a way to success in life. The biblical texts present a man being joyfully concerned with studying the law and loving his fellow men. (Psalm 1:2- 3).

8. Wickedness is failure in life. The wicked are like the lighter, useless part of wheat. The Psalmist points out that such people do not last for long. (Psalm I: 4 - 5).

9. Success according to the Old Testament is attained through living a pure and a righteous life. The various sacrifices offered in Israel were intended to cleanse the people as they related with Yahweh whom they believed could grant success.


The New Testament brings out the idea of success basing on the life and the teachings of Jesus Christ. He is presented as the true Son of God and He was God, but later became a human being. His father sent him to redeem mankind from the evil of sins and bring the good news of salvation. Jesus remained faithful to this goal throughout his life and showed what success means as summarized below.

Success according to Jesus means doing and obeying the will of God as well as serving the needs of man. He resisted temptations by Satan so as to fulfill His father's will and serve the needs of man (Mathew 4: 1-11, Luke 4:1ft)

Jesus said that success is opening up oneself to what God wants. He encouraged his followers to believe in God rather than believing in human possibilities.

Jesus said-that one should respond to God's invitation with faith and trust in order to be successful. He gave the example of Zacheaus who became saved from his sins after accepting       him in his life.        

Jesus told his followers that there is prosperity in the heavenly kingdom. He advised the rich man to sell all his property so that he could obtain the heavenly riches (Matthew 19: 19: 21)

Jesus said that the greatest is one who humbles himself or herself before God arid

Jesus advised his followers to deny themselves the pleasures of the world so that they can achieve much in the heavenly kingdom,

Jesus said that everything is possible with God and therefore He expects his followers to present their needs to Him for greater achievements through prayer.

He encouraged his followers to be creative and use their talents in order to achieve greater things in life. In this he gave the example of three servants each. of whom was given some coins.

Jesus encouraged hard work and planning for the work properly in order for one to be successful. He gave an example of builder who made his house strong enough to resist bad weather (Luke 6:48)

Jesus encouraged his believers to help each other understand his or her mistakes in a humble way for greater prosperity (Matthew 18: I 5 -1 7)

Jesus encouraged believers to love God as well as their neighbours the way they love themselves in order for them to succeed (Matthew 22: 37-40)

Jesus said that an agreement between, two people in the name of God would be successful (Matthew 18: 18-20)

Saint Paul said that one's success should give glory to God's name in heaven (1 Corinthians 10: 3)

Saint Paul encouraged believers to live in harmony and be united as they work together in order to achieve their goals (Philippians 2: 1-4)

Saint Paul encouraged team work in order for the community to achieve its goal. He said that everybody's contribution was important for the well-being of the community,

Jesus demonstrated that suffering, tolerance and perseverance are gateways to success. He points that whoever loves the body must first lose it. This came at the time when James and John-the sons of Zebedee, had asked Jesus to allow them sit at His right, and to enjoy the glory of the heavenly kingdom. (Mark 10:35 - 40).

Success to Jesus means moving beyond the humanly values of the society such as observing the laws. He called on man to accept the new values in Him and to be open to the needs of others, (Mathew 19: 20 - 21)

Success is living in harmony and unity with other members in the community. All people are to have this desire and work for the community (Philippians 2: 1-4).

To Jesus, success means living a self-sacrificial life, He points out that this is the only way to glory for mankind and having full humanity. Jesus gave his own life away through His death on/the cross and brought glory to man and the father's kingdom. (Philippians 2: 8, Luke 9: 26).

Revision Question

1. What dill Jesus teach about living (I successful life?

2. Explain the New Testament view about success.


He reconciled man with God, man with man when he died on the cross.

Jesus defended the weak like a woman who was caught in adultery.

He resisted the temptation by Satan and in doing so he defeated Satan once and for all.

He conquered death tor human beings by dying on the cross for the sins of man.

He challenged the Jewish authority about the emphasis of observing petty laws.

He performed miracles like changing water into wine, healing the sick and blind among others. This helped to set his followers free from the suffering.

He defended the fights of the women. Eg, he recognized a woman's offer of a coin.

He obeyed human authorities. This was by encouraging his followers to pay taxes as required by the government of the time.

Jesus had human friends with whom he associated. They include Martha, Mary and Lazarus.

Jesus looked for sinners and helped them to turn back to God through repentance.

Jesus overcame the suffering that he underwent for the sake of human beings.

Jesus resurrected thus showing that he had powers over death.

Jesus cleansed the temple by beating the traders.

Jesus ascended into heaven after having completed his work of bringing salvation.

Jesus sent the Holy Spirit to his apostles. This helped to inspire and gave the courage to the apostles to do and complete their work.


The coming of Jesus Christ-the messiah God had promised, (Isaiah 9: 6 ff - 11: 1 ff) instead turned out to be a disappointment to many of the Jews. This was because the Jews expected a political Messiah and the many challenges Jesus faced beginning with His birth and during his ministry. He was therefore regarded as a failure because of the following.

1. Jesus had a poor social background. He was born in a kraal of cattle and was known to be the son of Joseph who was simply a carpenter. The Jews expected a messiah of high social status like that of a king (Luke 2: 1 ff).

2. Jesus' baptism made Him appear like a failure. To the Jews, baptism was only for the sinners who were seeking for God's forgiveness. His baptism therefore meant that He was just like any, other ordinary man. (Mark 1: 9 - 11).

3. Jesus' presumed failure came from His temptation by Satan. The Jews expected the Son of God not to be tempted by a devil. He was therefore seen to be more of a human being than the divine being they expected Him to have been. (Mathew 4:1)

4. Jesus was materially poor. He owned nothing and even had only one cloth. To the Jews, material possessions were important in determining one's status in the community. Jesus was, therefore, regarded a failure because of lacking material possessions.

5.   Jesus appeared as a failure because He associated with sinners like the tax collectors, prostitutes and the lepers among others. These were people considered the out cast members and the social misfit of the society. (Mark 2: 13 - 17).

6.   Jesus appeared to be a failure because of over emphasizing that he had come to serve the will of his Father. He got involved with work that was usually done by slaves. For example, He washed the feet of His disciples. This surprised the Jews who expected Him to be served just like other kings.

7. The betrayal of Jesus by his own disciple Judas Iscariot made Him to appear a failure in life. The Jews believed that this reflected His weaknesses in controlling the people He had chosen Himself. (Mark 4: 10 ff).

8. Jesus appeared as a failure because of His arrest. The Jews had expected Him to have prior knowledge since he claimed to be God. They also expected Him to use his miraculous powers to resist the arrest, which to them He failed to do so. (Mark 14:43 - 49).

9. Jesus' presumed failure came in when His own people disowned Him at the time of His arrest. In Mark 14:50, the disciples ran away leaving Him alone, and in Mark 15: 34, Jesus appeared to have been abandoned by God-His father who sent Him.

10. Jesus' lack of political power made him appear to be a failure. The Jews had expected a political messiah but Jesus was instead spiritual in nature. He kept away from politics all the time. This was a dilemma to the Jews who even failed to understand.

11.  Jesus appeared as a failure because He was not married. To the Jews, marriage was an important aspect of social life and every young man was expected to marry before the age of twenty. Failure to do so was therefore a failure in life just as Jesus failed.

12.  He stayed without eating food so as to concentrate on His work of preaching. The Jews even called Him the mad man because of this behavior. (Mark 1:12 - 13).

13. His crucifixion and more over together with the two thieves. Crucifixion was the best way of punishing criminals who were considered failures in life. (John 9: 17-18).

14. Jesus was considered a failure in life because He died at an early age. He had only lived for 33 years. This was a failure in life because the Jews expected only old people who had out lived their usefulness to be dying.

15. Jesus was considered a failure because of His attack on the traders in the temple. This trade was a valuable economic activity to the Jews. Therefore, Jesus' action of beating people, over-turning the tables, etc. portrayed Him as being less concerned about the welfare of others. (Mark 11: 15).

16. Jesus was considered a failure because of having weak disciples who had even failed to understand His teachings. He had always used parables while preaching the good news. This made it difficult for people to believe in His teachings hence being referred to as a failure. (Mark 14:13-20, Mathew 13:18-23, Luke 8:1 - 5)

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A complete talking Book for Uganda certificate of Education