is having a belief in the good news preached by Jesus Christ. Through this
believing, man is able to achieve salvation (Luke 4: 18 ff).
comes from knowing that God is our father and that we are his sons and
daughters. This is the only way through which man would inherit His kingdom.
(John 16:27).
is the fruit of a continuing struggle to get rid of selfishness. Jesus
emphasized that selfishness is the barrier to man's relationship with God and
neigbours. (John 13: 1 and Mark 14: 34).
is being open to the invitation of Jesus Christ. Zacheaus experienced happiness
when he opened himself to good news of the kingdom in response to Jesus'
invitation (Luke 19: 1-10).
is having freedom from slavery, diseases or anything that causes discomfort to
man. Jesus' miracles of healing the sick and the dead made his followers happy.
(Luke 5:15).
denied that wealth security or political success were necessary for happiness
or proof of God's approval of man. He points out that it is mans' heart and
soul that are important. (Mathew 19:16-30, Mark 10:17-23 and Luke 18: 18-25).
also denied that the strict observance of the Mosaic laws could guarantee
salvation, which is the source of man's happiness. He is of the view that it is
man to benefit from the laws instead of the laws taking advantage of man.
(Mathew 12: 1 ff).
is being united with Jesus Christ. This union is seen as the key to loving and
thanking others even during difficulties (Philippians 4: 1 ff).
is being with God in the heavenly kingdom. God is presented as the loving
father doing everything for his children to achieve happiness. (Philippians 21:
1 -4).
emphasizes that the sorrow caused by death is not permanent. He pointed out
that this would be followed by joy that lasts forever (John 16: 16 - 22).
encouraged forgiveness and reconciliation for the believers to be happy. He talked
about the prodigal son who was accepted back by his father in a great occasion.
according to Jesus is living by the beatitude. He showed his followers the true
nature of happiness which included being humble and merciful among others.
advised his followers to believe in the heavenly treasures and work for them so
that they may be truly happy. He therefore said wealth, security and political
success are not necessary for one's happiness.
called upon every believer to be happy on the Day of Judgment. On such a day
the righteous would be together with the father in heaven.
Paul said that Jesus' resurrection is a source of happiness to every believer.
By it every believer is assured of coming back to life.
comes from having the Jove for God and fellow men.
miracles were to offer man full happiness. His miracles had power over sins,
the barrier to man's Happiness (John 8: 11, Luke 7: 1 Ff Mathew 9:4 - 8).
Jesus' teaching on true happiness
beatitudes (Mathew 5: 1- 11 and Luke 6: 20 - 23)
Happiness is being spiritually poor. The
Kingdom of God belongs to such people (Math 5:3)
Happy are those who mourn. God will comfort
them (Mathew 5:4).
Happy are the meek (humble). They will receive
what God promised. (Mathew 5:5)
Happy are those who are hungry and thirsty
for righteousness. God will fill them fully. (Mathew 5:6)
Happy are the merciful. God will also be
merciful to them. (Mathew 5:7).
Happy are the pure in heart. Such people will see God. (Mathew 5:8)
Happy are those working for the peace of mankind. God will make them His
children (Mathew 5:9)
True happiness is being persecutedforwhatGodrequires. The kingdom of heaven
belongs to such. (Mathew 5: 10).
Happy are those who are insulted; persecuted and having all sorts of lies said
against them because of following Christ. A great reward a waits in the
heavenly kingdom (Mathew 5:11).
Revision Question s
on Jesus words and actions what should Christians do to be fullyhappy?
• Should be poor spiritually
• Should be faithful
• Should be merciful to others
• Should allow to be persecuted
• Should preach the good news of salvation to
• Should respond to God's call in faith.
• Should encourage righteous in their ways
• Should forgive and reconcile
• should work for peace
• Should know that God loves everyone.
Christian Occasions of Happiness
day is the day when Christians celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ, the saviour
who came to deliver man from his sins.
Friday is the day when Christians celebrate the day Jesus died the cross. This
means that man would achieve salvation.
day is the day when Christians celebrate the day Jesus Christ resurrected. This
is a sign that death is no more to Christians.
Ascension Day on which Christians celebrate the day Jesus
went back to heaven to prepare the heavenly kingdom for them.
which is a day Christians celebrate the increasing number of people joining
God's family.
which is a day Christians celebrate their declaration to remain firm in their
matrimony (wedding day) where Christians celebrate fulfilling God's divine plan
for marriage.
which is a day Christians celebrate the consecration of church leaders who are
important in developing and strengthening the spiritual lives their people
through spreading the good news.
Communion where Christians remember the last supper Jesus had with the apostles
before being arrested and eventually put to death through crucifixion.
saints' days. Here Christians celebrate and remember great personalities who
died in their Christian faith after offering important services.
a new church. This is an indication of growth within the Christian community.
where Christians come together, share experiences and encourage one another to
remain firm in. their faith.
Unending Life
phrase "unending life" means life without an end. It is the
continuation of human life in another form usually in the form of a spirit or
soul in the world which is invisible.
life comes after a person has died. The belief in unending life comes from the
fact that the body of each person comprises of two parts that is the physical
body and the soul or the spirit.
belief is that the physical body is mortal (can die) while the soul or the
spirit is immortal (cannot die' or lives forever).
for one to attain unending life one must first lose the physical body in the
process called death.
is, therefore, a point of life when the physical body is transformed or changed
into a spiritual being.
can also mean a point in life when the immortal soul leaves or separates from
the mortal body.
words can be used to describe the life that is attained after the physical world
or after death. Such included.
• Life here after
• The after life
• Life after death
• Eternal life
• An everlasting life
Unending life in the present
Death is accepted as a reality of life for every human being to experience. For
this matter, it is unavoidable.
Some people believe that there is life after death. They accept that they would
continue to exist in a spiritual life after this physical form.
However, to some people life after death is non-existent. This is a view held
by the scientists and the highly educated among others.
Some people believe that life after death is determined by morality or the way
one behaves. The righteous are rewarded with eternal life and the wicked are
punished with a life of suffering.
Some people look at death as a mystery and something that remains difficult for
human beings to understand and explain.
Some people turn to death when they face extreme difficulties in life like
poverty and incurable diseases among others. Such people feel that it is better
to be dead than to continue with their suffering and therefore, commit suicide.
Death is taken to be brutal, rude and cruel by some people. It robs them of
their beloved and dear ones unexpectedly.
News about the death of good and righteous people is treated with a lot of
sorrow and sadness. It is a great loss compared to the death of the wicked
The death of the young ones or the children is taken to be more painful than
the death of an old person. This means that by dying the old people are assumed
to have rested.
Some people believe that there is judgment at the point of death. The righteous
would be given place in the kingdom of God and the wicked condemned to hell.
Some people believe in the resurrection of the body. The Christians in
particular believe that they are going to share the resurrection with Jesus
Many people prepare themselves for life after death by being morally upright,
repenting their sin and helping the needy among others.
The soul of the dead are respected and remembered especially if before their
death such people have been useful to the community. They are remembered by
giving their names to new born, roads and buildings.
Some people believe in purgatory. This is a place where Christians believe
people are made pure of their sins or forgiven before going to heaven.
Some people pray for the souls and through the soul of the living dead.
Revision Question
the view held about unending life in your community.
How is the concept the life after death understood in the present situation?
How Christians Prepare For
Eternal Life Today
through the rituals of water baptism. This intended to remove the original sin
inherited from Adam and Eve so as to live a pure life, which is a requirement
necessary for joining the kingdom of God.
out confirmation. This is a means of re-affirming one's faith and belief in the
Holy Communion (Eucharist). This is because the body and blood of Christ sealed
the new relationship between man and God.
in prayers. This is a direct means of communicating man's needs to God and a
way of expressing gratitude for the blessings received. Prayer is therefore a
way of keeping in touch wit~ the kingdom of God.
people repent their sins. This is a way of confessing and condemning one's sins
so as to embrace righteousness required by God.
sick or are anointed so as to obtain the divine blessings of God in their last
stages of the worldly life.
people attend bible studies and fellowships. Here Christians share their
experiences, faith and give courage to one another to remain firm on the course
of inheriting the heavenly kingdom.
have taken the duty of preaching the word of God. This is done in following the
example of Christ who also did the same before his arrest, death, and
resurrection where instructed his apostles to evangelize the whole world before
he went back to heaven.
are carrying out charitable work in preparing for eternal life. They give
support to the needy such as orphans, poor and disabled. By doing this,
Christians are following the example of Christ their saviour who also did the
Christians go in for holy matrimony. This is with the intention of fulfilling
God's divine plan for marriage as recorded in Genesis 1:28.
Christians pay tithe to church as a way expressing their loyalty to God. This
is because God is the giver of everything.
people have embarked on reconciling conflicting parties in search of peaceful
living. Christ also reconciled man with God and man with man.
Revision Questions
what way do Christians prepare themselves for life after death?
Explain the activities that Christians (10 to get ready for eternal life.
Explain how Christians prepare themselves for unending life.
Causes of death today
Diseases like
Malaria, AIDS and Cholera
Accidents through
vehicles, drowning and electrocution.
Natural disasters
such as land slide, earth quake and flooding.
Domestic violence
such as child and women battering.
Committing suicide
through self-poisoning, hanging and jumping into water. Wars i.e. many do lose
their lives in the battle fields.
Old age. This is a
natural way of dying after being tired and worn out.
Mob justice. This
because it is associated with serious beating, kicking, stoning or burning to
Armed robbery where
victims are killed with the intention of destroying evidence.
Government policy of
sentencing criminals to death through hanging.
Abortion. This is the
deliberate expulsion of the fetus from the mother's womb. Forcing the feotus
may cause some implication and over bleeding.
Child birth
Drug abuse e.g.
taking opium, cocaine and marijuana Poisoning food, drinks or pouring acids
How Christians venerate or remember the
are the ways through which Christians respect those who died in their Christian
faith. In other words, it is giving honour and recognition to the contributions
of a person towards the growth and the development of the church.
pray for the soul of the dead. This is done as a way of requesting God to grant
eternal life.
give the names of the dead to institutions in remembering them. For example,
Saint Mary's College Kisubi and Namirembe Hospital.
commemorate the days their colleagues passed away. In Uganda, 3rd June is a
public holiday and is celebrated annually in recalling the day the Uganda
Martyrs were burnt in 1886 because of their faith.
remember their dead ones by building monuments. These are structures built
resembling the dead. They are commonly known as the statues and are always
found in and around the church buildings.
are written about the dead. In such books, the life and the activities of the
dead are explained for the living Christians to read and try to do the same.
of the Christians are canonized and called of saints. They are given such a
name because of the roles they played in the church before their death. For
example, Saint, Paul, Saint Michael and Saint Mary among others.
dead are venerated through embalmment. This is where the body of the dead is
preserved to prevent it from decaying by the use of chemicals or
electrification. In Gulu Cathedral, the bodies of two Bishops in the names of
Angelo Negri and Kiyangire were embalmed and are there for people to see.
honour their dead ones by burying them in the church grave yard. People like
the Bishops, priests or pastors and the Nuns are always buried in such places
prepared by the church.
services are also organized in honouring the dead Christians. In such services,
prayers are said to dedicate the life of the dead to God.
of praises are composed in the names of the dead. Such songs are sung regularly
in the church during time for worshipping. Singing in the names of the dead
reminds the Christians of their contributions.
make pilgrimage as a way of respecting the dead. These are visitations to holy
sites or areas of religious importance like Namugongo where the Uganda Martyrs
were burnt in 1886.
build shrines to express their fellowship with the departed members. For
example, Namugongo shrine was built in memory of the Christians who were burnt
alive on the order of Kabaka Mwanga in 1886 when they refused to denounce their
faith in Christianity.
consult the dead ones through prayers. They request them to intercede on their
behalf in order to be granted salvation on the Day of Judgment.
lectures are organized in the names of the dead. Such lectures may be used to
inspire the living to live exemplary lives as the dead had lived.
give the names of the dead to the living ones especially the newly born babies.
Names such as John, James and Peter are given in memory of the apostles of
Jesus for their great services.
are also set in the names of the dead. These organizations are always formed to
continue with the services of the dead to the community.
Revision Question
1. In
what ways do Christians remember those who died in faith?
How do the believers recall the lives of the fellow departed members?
Reasons Why Some People Doubt
Life after Death
following are the reasons that make some people to doubt the existence of life
after death
The influence of science and technology makes it appear that there is no life
after death. This is because such an idea cannot be proved.
The different approaches or views concerning life after death tend to make some
people doubt its existence. This is because such different teachings end up
confusing people.
Death has remained a mystery and something beyond human explanation. This can
make some people to express doubt about what comes thereafter.
Some people want to enjoy life and therefore they do not want to think about
what happens after death.
The sorrows associated with the loss of a member make it difficult for people
to imagine life after death. This is because the mourning is always heart
The fear that people have towards death makes them doubt whether there is life
after death or not.
The delay in the second coming of Jesus Christ (parousia) has made some people
to doubt life after death. Some people tend to become impatient and hence lose
their faith.
Some people are influenced by their material wealth to believe that there is
life after death. They tend to concentrate on their riches other than thinking
about the unknown.
The influence of formal education also makes it difficult for some people to
believe in after death. The highly educated people look at life as a circle.
One is born, lives, dies and decomposes
Some people believe that idea about life after death is a consolation 'for
those who are frustrated in life.
To Some people, the issue about life after death is a moral education intended
to control behavior of human beings when still alive in order to create
Unending Life in African Traditional
was a belief among the people in African tradition that the dead continued to
exist in another world after the physical life. This belief was reflected in
the daily activities of the people.
Beliefs about Life After Death
The dead in African tradition were not dead they were referred to as the living
The Africans therefore believed that the dead would continue living in the form
of spirit in an invisible world.
Death was not complete destruction of a life of a person. Only the body was
believed to have been destroyed to let the spirit of the person join the rest
of departed family members and ancestors in another world.
Death in Africa was taken to be a form of sleep but with a belief that one
would wake up in another world.
Death in Africa was taken to be a change of one's environment. That is from the
visible to the invisible world.
The living dead were believed to be more powerful than the living and therefore
they had to be respected.
The living dead were believed to have the power either to bless or curse the
living depending on the kind of relationship one had with them.
The dead were believed to be active members of the family. They had control
over the family affairs and were therefore consulted through giving sacrifices.
The dead were believed to pay visit to the living family members through dreams
and visions.
The Africans believed that the water vapour (smoke) after rainfall was an
indication of the dead preparing food.
Life hereafter was believed to be determined by the way one live the visible
life. If one had been good, one could go to the good spirit world and vice
versa. Therefore, morality was an important aspect of life here after.
In some cultures dying while giving birth meant that one had died completely.
Among the Acholi people, the dead were remembered through their children among
others. The Chagga of Tanzania believed that the existence and the happiness of
the dead depended on having had children.
Revision Questions
dead are not dead"
Explain the statement giving reference
to African Traditional practices or beliefs. Explain the practices in African
tradition that show the belief in unending life.
Causes of Death in the
Traditional Africa
Violation or breaking of taboos was believed to have been the cause of death.
Taboos carried religious meaning and people were not allowed to touch or to say
anything bad about them. Therefore, breaking them was an insult to God-the
author of life.
Breaking the brotherly blood pact was believed to result into death. This was
because the relationship was built on blood, which sustains one's life.
Therefore, breaking the blood pact meant terminating one's life.
Violation of an oath by an individual was also believed to cause death. Making
an oath was meant to bring out the truth about something or somebody. It was
also meant to prove one's commitment in all spheres of life. Breaking it was
therefore breaking the relationship already established.
Curses especially by elderly people could bring death to an individual. This
was because elderly people like fathers, mothers, uncles, brothers, and aunties
or in -Iaws were believed to be representative of God or gods. Their words
could therefore cause death.
Death was also attributed to old age. They
believed God could choose to call an old aged person to le~ve the earthly life
after realizing that he or she was already worn out.
Death was associated with witchcraft or evil magic. In such a case, a person
was poisoned through food, water, or even casting an evil eye and saying
magical words.
Bad spirits of the living dead were believed to cause death. They believed that
if an individual had some grudge with the dead when they were still alive, he
or she could also die.
Evil deeds of relatives or neighbours like incest, murder and night dancing
among others were also believed to cause death. This was based on the ground
that it would annoy the gods responsible for social life of human beings.
Death in traditional Africa was attributed to
lack of respect for God's holy place either through words or deeds.
of expressing sorrow in African traditional society
following were the ways that people in African traditional mourned for the
death of a person.
There used to be crying and weeping for the loss of a family member. This was
caused by the pain of physical separation.
The Africans could sing and dance upon the death of a person. The songs
contained sorrowful messages but which were intended to help the people
overcome the sorrow and the pain caused by the death.
In some cultures, the people could suspend their daily activities like
cultivation for a given period. Among the Acholi people, activities could be
suspended for three days in the event of a man's death and four days in event
of woman's death. This was to show respect for the departed member.
There used to be slaughtering of animals and birds including goats and chicken
respectively. This helped the people to overcome the sorrow caused by the death
of a person.
In some cultures, the people could smear their bodies with white clay. This was
practiced by Masai people of Kenya.
Besides, the Masai people would abandon their homesteads and shift elsewhere.
This was because such a horn was now associated with a form of misfortune.
Among the Masai people, all the pots in the house were broken down to show that
the life of a family member had come to end.
The people were required to dress in a particular fashion. The women in most
cases would be bare chest and tying some leaves either on their heads or around
their waist.
In some cultures, the people would stay without bathing and washing until the
period of mourning was over.
In some societies, the living would trim off the bodily hair. This was to
symbolize that death had occurred and yet another life was about to spring out.
In some societies, sexual intercourse was suspended till the period of mourning
was over. Sex was associated with pleasure and therefore it could not be done
at the time of mourning.
Lighting fire the whole night. Some of the mourners would spend the whole night
Rituals of Death in African Traditional
in traditional Africa was considered sorrowful and was marked by complex and
long rituals. The rituals involved a lot of activities. They were not performed
to unknown strangers, thieves or murderers; such rituals included the
Rituals for
disposing the Body.
were ceremonies that were performed before and in preparation for burial. They
the dead body with water or traditional medicine. This was done to prepare the
individual for the journey to the next world while clean.
the bodily hair. This meant that the living dead would begin a new life in a
new world the way he or she came to the visible world.
off the bodily nails. This had similar with the above.
oil or butter in the mouth, nostrils or any other bodily opening.
above rituals are conducted in the presence of leaders and elders. Sometimes
children, pregnant women or suspected witches were not allowed to touch the
2. Burial time
dead were buried with belongings like spears, arrows, foodstuffs, domestic
utensils and tools. In some cases, servants and wives of kings were buried with
the dead body. They believed that these items would help the dead in the next
some cultures, a hole was made on the grave. This was done with the belief that
the spirit would move in and out freely.
Funeral rites
last funeral rites were performed when the person was old or when she or he had
the unmarried, the funeral rites were simple and only close relatives attended
a king or chief, it was taken as a national affair that involved the suspension
of normal life; it required a lot of preparation and wealth.
rites involve selection and installation of the heir of the family, chiefdom or
kingdom. The successor could either be the oldest man, daughter, niece or
nephew of the deceased.
Reasons for carrying out or
performing death rituals
rituals were intended to send the spirits to the dead peacefully into the next
world. This was done by offering sacrifices.
Death rituals were
intended to help settle the spirit of the living dead among the ancestors.
The rituals were to
help recognize the living dead as still being part of the family especially by
giving their names to the new born.
The rituals were
intended to bring life back to normal. Some activities like singing and dancing
could help to overcome sorrow brought by death
The rituals were intended
to show the spirit of solidarity and togetherness between the living and the
living dead.
Some of the rituals
were intended to help the living remembers respect and recall the contributions
or the roles of the living dead.
Some of the rituals
were intended to thank those who helped during the funeral arrangement like
digging the graves and burying the dead person.
Comparing Ideas about Unending Life in
African Tradition and Christianity
Both believe that there is life after death. Death is not considered the end of
life. There is a belief that an individual would have another life in the form
of spirit in an invisible world.
In both, names of the dead are given to places, children and buildings, lakes
as a way of remembering them. For example, Saint Balikuddembe market and Luwum
In both, there is casting out of demons from possessed people. Africans would
sacrifice animals and pray as a way of removing the bad spirits in individuals.
In the same way, Christianity believes that bad spirits can be caste out
through prayers.
In both, shrines are built as a way of respecting and recognizing the ancestors
in the livelihood of the living. For example, Namugongo shrine was built in
memory of the Uganda martyrs of 1886. For Africans, shrines are built in the
Both African tradition and Christianity believe that one's destiny into the
next world is determined by the behaviour of an individual in the earthly life.
Africans believed that badly behaved people would go to the bad spirit world.
And for Christians, hell is the destination tor the sinners while the righteous
are rewarded with eternal life.
6. Both African tradition and Christianity
respect the names of the dead. Christianity refers to names of such people as
saints. To Africans, such names are not to be mentioned without authority from
the elders or the spirit of the dead.
Death in both African tradition and Christianity is looked at as being the
transformation of the physical body into spirits or souls. Both believe that
the immortal soul leaves the mortal body at the time of death.
Prayers are used to attain eternal life in both African tradition and
Christianity. Prayers are considered as being a direct communication to the
supreme God who is behind man's existence here on earth and after.
Funeral rites are performed in both African tradition and Christianity. This is
a day to recall the earthly life of the deceased and the day the deceased
passed away. For example, requiem masses and memorial services are conducted
for Christians.
Sacrifices are offered in both African tradition and Christianity. Africans
offered sacrifices killing domestic animals like goats and sheep or
slaughtering birds like chicken to appease the spirit of the dead. Christians
also offer sacrifices to bid farewell.
The rituals were intended to show the spirit of solidarity and togetherness
between the living and the living dead.
Some of the rituals were intended to help the living remembers respect and
recall the contributions or the roles of the living dead.
Some of the rituals were intended to thank those who helped during the funeral
Comparing Ideas about Unending Life In
African Tradition And Christianity
believe that there is life after death. Death is not considered the end of
life. There is a belief that an individual would have another life in the form
of spirit in an invisible world.
both, names of the dead are given to pJaces, children and buildings, lakes as a
way of remembering them. For example, Saint Balikuddembe market and Luwum
both, there is casting out of demons from possessed people. Africans would
sacrifice animals and pray as a way of removing the bad spirits in individuals.
In the same way, Christianity believes that bad spirits can be caste out
through prayers.
both, shrines are built as a way of respecting and recognizing the ancestors in
the livelihood of the living. For example, Namugongo shrine was built in memory
of the Uganda martyrs of 1886. For Africans, shrines are built in the
African tradition and Christianity believe that one's destiny into the next
world is determined by the behaviour of an individual in the earthly life.
Africans believed that badly behaved people would go to the bad spirit world.
And for Christians, hell is the destination for the sinners while the righteous
are rewarded with eternal life.
African tradition and Christianity respect the names of the dead. Christianity
refers to names of such people as saints. To Africans, such names are not to be
mentioned without authority from the elders or the spirit of the dead.
in both African tradition and Christianity is looked at as being the
transformation of the physical body into spirits or souls. Both believe that
the immortal soul leaves the mortal body at the time of death.
are used to attain eternal life in both African tradition and Christianity.
Prayers are considered as being a direct communication to the supreme God who
is behind man's existence/here on earth and after.
rites are performed in both African tradition and Christianity. This is a day
to recall the earthly life of the deceased and the day the deceased passed
away. For example, requiem masses and memorial services are conducted for
are offered in both African tradition and Christianity. Africans offered
sacrifices killing domestic animals like goats and sheep or slaughtering birds
like chicken to appease the spirit of the dead. Christians also offer
sacrifices to bid farewell.
bury the dead with items such as spears, food and stools. However, for
Christians, unending life is absolutely spiritual and thus has nothing to do
with material possession.
Africans believed that the dead were reborn through their children and
grandchildren, Christians believe that a person remains as a child of God.
the Africans, the dead were considered active members of the family. However,
Christians join the family of God in His heavenly kingdom.
Africans believed that the dead had influence over the living and were more
powerful than living. This is contrary to Christianity where such an idea is
not considered.
dead make demands such as sacrifices and being appeased according to the
Africans. This is an idea that Christians do not agree with.
in Christianity, the Africans believed that the dead would pay visits to their
families through dreams and visions.
Christianity the soul of the dead is believed to go either to heaven or to
hell. In African tradition, it was believed that the soul of the dead either
lingered around the homestead or went to the spirit world in places such as
mountains, caves and forests.
Unending life in church
the time of Jesus Christ, most people believed in life after death. This was
because of His miracles and the teaching on salvation, followed by His death
and the immediate resurrection. However, after His ascension, people got
confused. Different groups of people expressed different ideas about life after
death depending on what they thought was right. These groups include.
1. The Egyptians
Egyptians believed in life after death. They believed that the soul would live
as much as it was on earth provided that such a soul had not encountered some
Egyptians buried the dead with material things such as food, clothing,
furniture or anything needed for the expected future existence.
Egyptians treated the dead bodies well to avoid decomposition. This process is
called embalmment.
believed that dead bodies could come back to life again.
2. The Greeks
The Greeks believed in immortality of
the soul and the mortality of the body. They believed that the soul could live
forever even when the body was dead. .
Greeks believed the immortal soul could escape from its imprisonment in the
body at the time of death.
Greeks believed that life after death was determined by the kind of life lived
here on earth. If an individual behaved in a good way, he or she could have a
good eternal life and vice versa.
Greeks expressed their belief in eternal life through paintings. The paintings
showed how the souls of the dead could be weighed by the god of the underworld
through which the soul of the dead body had to pass.
religious cults believed that those who had shared certain rituals during the
earthly life would experience resurrection.
The Early Christians
early Christians believed that life after death was possible (Acts 2: 22 ff,
17:30 ft).
apostles and other Christians believed that they could share the resurrection
of Jesus (Philippians 1:21 ff 1 Corinthians 1:4ff)
Christians believed that they were saved from the power of sins and received
the Holy Spirit as well as became children of God because of the passion, death
and resurrection of Jesus.
Christians believed that death was good because it was a way of achieving
The Distortion (False
Ideas) of Unending Life in Church History
began from the middle of the 3rd century. There arose many false ideas about
unending life, which changed the real meaning of salvation. These false
teachings made life in the Roman Empire increasingly insecure because many
Christians lost their certainty about salvation. These false teaching include.
Christians were made to believe that God was cruel and harsh. Because of this,
they started fearing death, which was believed to be violent and sudden.
preachers put emphasis on death which they presented as being sudden and
violent. This made the believers to begin fearing death.
Christians decorated their churches with pictures showing suffering in hell.
They showed how some people would be punished on their way to heaven before
being accepted by God.
preachers emphasized that dying without repenting ones sins would mean a person
was going to hell. By saying so they had forgotten that God was forgiving and
Christians preached that rebellious people against God could not escape
judgement and emphasized that their permanent place was hell. This made people
to fear judgement and purgatory [space life full of suffering].
feared the death of their babies especially if it occurred before baptism. They
got frightened by their own mistakes instead of trusting God's goodness and
sale of indulgence that later came up also confused Christians greatly. The
church leaders encouraged people to give gifts especially money to the church
in order for their sins to be forgiven before being granted salvation. The rich
had even gone to the point of organizing hundreds of masses to be conducted
after their death. This made it appear
that salvation could be simply be bought.
Calvin of Switzerland came up with another false idea with his pre-destination
doctrine. He argued that God had already determined one's destination before
birth either to go to heaven or hell and therefore nothing could humanly be
done to change that arrangement. This made God to appear cruel and man as
having no ability to choose between good and evil.
of scientific knowledge, some Christians looked at heaven, hell and purgatory
as geographical places. They imagined their sizes to absorb all human beings .This
ended up confusing the believers who also started doubting life after death.
missionaries especially those who came to Africa preached that those who never
heard the gospel would go to hell. They emphasized the need for the people to
embrace Christianity quickly before facing God's judgement. But St. Paul had
pointed out those who heard the gospel is judged by it and others by their
conscious (Romans 1: 18 ff)
Catholics taught that the Protestants were rebels and they believed that they
could go to hell. They based most of their teachings on frightening and
alarming stories to make people believe in the gospel. This means that the
Catholics had forgotten the love of Jesus Christ and his redemptive death as
well as the goodness of God.
Jews had a false belief that salvation was for them only. They believed that
the Gentiles could only salvation after embracing the Jewish religious
practices. This was a wrong idea because salvation is universal.
idea of renunciation brought by the Monks and the Nuns was a false teaching
about salvation. They preached that salvation could only be achieved by living
in isolation and doing without worldly pleasures such as eating, dancing and
sexual intercourse. This was a misconception because God created all the
worldly resources for man's benefits. (Genesis 1:27-30).
Christians feared sickness because it was associated with death. Sick people
became worried because of the lack of knowledge of what could happen after
Revision Questions:
1. Explain the wrong teachings that developed
about life after death in the history of the church.
How was the idea and belief about life after death distorted life after death?
Explain the teachings that caused panic among Christians about life after death
ill Church history.
The Old Testament and the
Unending Life
History of the Israelites did not have any clear belief in the bodily
resurrection. Most of their beliefs showed that they had limited ideas about
life after death as summarized below.
God willed death for human beings as a punishment for having disobeyed his
command by eating the forbidden fruits. He told the first human beings that
they will go back to soil from where they were formed (Genesis 3: 1 9)
God set time for everything including the time of birth and the time of death
(Ecclesiastes 3:2)
The Israelites were required to choose between life and death. By obeying the
commands they would live forever in the land they were about to occupy.
(Deuteronomy 32:45--47)
The Israelites looked at death as a punishment that God had given for them.
The Israelites took life to be useless and looked at it as a way of chasing
wind before they would all die (Ecclesiastes 9:7-10).
The Israelites believed that an individual could go to a place called Shoel and
live in the form of a shadow. This was a place where an individual could have
no real personal life, no work, no reasoning, no knowledge or wisdom or
anything done in the earthly life.
There was fear of death and Shoel. King Hezekiah was sad when he was about to
die because he feared Shoel (Isaiah 38: 9 - 20).
The Israelites believed that a man's life was fragile and a mere puff of wind
(Psalm 144:4). They looked at it as being useless because it was easily blown
away at the time of death without seeing and knowing its final destiny.
The Israelites looked at having children as a way of prolonging their parents'
existence on earth. (Psalms 127: 3 - 5). They believed that when one had died
before producing, then such a fellow had died completely.
Death was taken to be a means of resting from
the troubles of the world. Job desired to die because he felt he was tired of
suffering. The Israelites considered
life to be short and it would pass away like a shadow.
The Israelites felt that death was only for the evil people therefore it was
painful to see a righteous person suffer and die.
The Israelites expressed a pessimistic view (hopelessness) of what would come
after death. Because of this, they tried to reduce the dreadfulness and the
sorrows of death by enjoying life as much as possible. (Ecclesiastes 3: 12 -
The Israelites recognized and accepted the death of the old people but were
saddened by the death of the young ones. They believed that old people had
already done everything possible in their lives and therefore deserved to die.
(Ecclesiastes 12: 1 ff).
The Israelites expressed sadness for the suffering of a good person. They
believed that the only way of rewarding the goodness of such an individual was
prosperity in earthly life.
However, the Israelites had a belief that God was with the dead. They believed
God could protect them (Psalms 73: 21- 26)
The Israelites had a belief that God protects against early and shameful death
(Psalms 16: 1 ff and 7 ff).
The Israelites believed that God was the only one who could rescue a person
from the sinful world and take him to the world of peace for him to live
The Israelites also had a clear belief in the resurrection of the body. They
believed in the coming of the messiah to judge the living and the dead (Daniel
12: 1 - 13).
Revision Questions
Explain the Old Testament teaching about life after death.
Show that people of Israel had limited idea about life after death
Give reasons to explain hopelessness that the people of Israel had about life
after death.
The New Testament about
Unending Life
the New Testament, the life, death and the resurrection of Jesus Christ gives
hope to every believer about life after death. He showed man that there is
another life of abundance in the heavenly kingdom. Through Him, every believer
got the hope of achieving salvation.
1.God sent his only Son Jesus Christ to die for the sins of
the human beings so that they may achieve or obtain salvation
2.Christ sympathized with those who lost their dear ones.
For example, He was sorrowful at the death of his friend Lazarus (John 11: 32 -
3.By Jesus death on the cross he conquered death once and
for all for the believers.
4.Jesus’ resurrection gives the hope for all the believers
that they would come back to life. Christ had power over death. He raised the
dead like Jairus' daughter. He also came back to life after the third day of
His death. (Luke 7: 11 - 17 and Mark 5: 21 ff).
5.Jesus identified himself to the believers as the way, the
truth and the life. Therefore he encouraged all the believers to have faith and
trust in him for them to inherit the father's kingdom.
6.Jesus advised his followers to open up themselves to his
messages in order for them to have eternal life. He illustrated in the story of
Zacheaus who accepted his invitation and he was rewarded.
7.Knowing Christ is
choosing ever-lasting life and failure to know Him is a way of choosing
permanent Jesus identified himself as the only way to eternal life (John 14:
8.Sharing the Holy Communion is a source of man's strength
to increase eternal life (John 6:25 ff and 1 Corinthian 11:24).
9.Jesus encouraged everyone to be born again of water and
spirit in order to attain salvation or eternal life. It was in his conversation
which Nicodemus who wanted to know how he could attain eternal life (John 3: 1 ff)
10. Jesus said that the merciful here on earth would be
showed mass in the father's kingdom
11. Jesus encouraged the believers to give assistance to the
needy including the poor and orphan in order for them have eternal life. He
advised the rich man to sell all his property and give the money to the poor,
follow him and he would be rewarded in the fathers' kingdom.
12. Jesus taught the believers' that death is a gate way to
eternal life. He emphasized that whoever wants life must first loose the body
in order to have.
13. Jesus encouraged the believers to repent and turn away
from their sin in order for them to be rewarded with eternal life. He
emphasized that repentance puts one's faith right with God.
14. According to Christ, eternal life is the love of God with
all our hearts, souls and strength and the love of our neighbors as much as we
love ourselves. (Luke 10: 25 - 28).
15. Eternal life begins here and now. This is the meaning of
the phrase "the Kingdom of heaven is at hand". Jesus points out that
this requires an individual to turn away from his or her sins. (Matthew 3:2).
16. Christ emphasized that there would be the final judgment
for all mankind. He points out that the righteous would inherit God's kingdom
and the wicked cursed into eternal fire (Math 25: 31 ff).
17. The resurrection of Jesus is an opening way to a new life
and having joy in the kingdom of God as well as being with Jesus Himself
(Philippians 1 :21- 26).
18. The separation and sorrows death causes are not
permanent. Believers are advised to rejoice because at the second coming of
Christ, they would be able to meet and shake hands again (1 Corinthian 15: 51 -
19. The way an individual lives the earthly life prepares the
individual for the fullness of life in the kingdom of the Father. This is a
call for believers to keep their moral integrity (Revelation 22: 1- 5).
20. Denial of the resurrection of Jesus is denial of one's
faith. This is because the main theme of Christian teaching is the resurrection
of Christ. (1 Corinthian 15: 12 - 14). St. Paul points out that if Jesus had
not risen, Christians would have had nothing to talk about.
21. Believers are told to rejoice because the resurrection of
Christ is proof that death has no power over man. They would also resurrect (1
Corinthian. 15: 15 - 28).
22. According to St. Paul being open to God and neighbour is
a gateway to eternal life. This is a way of accepting the invitation of Christ
to a bouquet in the heavenly kingdom. (1 Corinthian. 18: 18).
Revision Questions
Give examples from
the New Testament to show that there is life after death.
How can the teaching
and the life of Jesus Christ help the believers to have hope in the eternal
In what ways did
Jesus show that there is life after death?
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A complete talking Book for Uganda certificate of Education