Christian Involvement in Church History
body of the church Christ left behind got involved in a number of activities.
The disciples were following the example and instruction of Christ of
converting all the people into Christianity before His second coming. Their
involvement in human affairs is reflected in how much cared and loved others
including the following.
Christians preached the gospel. Their preaching was about the messiah (Acts 8:4-8)
Christians gave testimonies as they proclaimed message of the lord. These
testimonies helped to make the people believe more in the gospel truth (Acts
The disciples converted people believers thus the church was strengthened it
in number carried out water baptism (Acts 9:31).
wrote epistles to various communities such as Corinth, Galatia and Rome. St.
wrote to the Corinthians on several times on puzzling questions including
marriage and offered to idols among others.
Christians carried out charitable work. They distributed relief and donations
to needy 111 the form of food (Acts 6: 1- 4).
continued to perform miracles. For example Peter and John healed a lame man (Acts
engaged in prayers. This became one way through, which they could communicate
with God.
believers shared their belongings. The rich in particular sold their property
and shared the money with everyone (Acts 4:32-37)
encouraged reconciliation among the believers. For example, they helped to
reconcile the native Jews and the Greek speaking Jews over the disagreement
concerning finances 6:1-6).
was fellowship among the believers. They continued corning together and sharing
the words of God (Acts 2:44-47)
Christians founded churches in various communities. St. Paul took the leading
role in establishing the church in the communities he travelled like in Rome in
his several
believers were involved in as they copied the of Jesus Christ. During such times,
they dedicated themselves to the service of God (Acts 13: 1 -3)
early Christians were occupied with laying hands on the people as Jesus before.
also trained others to help them with the work of preaching the gospel of Jesus
For example; St. Paul trained Timothy and Titus.
Christians shared Holy Communion with the people. This was done in memory of
the Lord's last supper the bloodshed through crucifixion.
in African Church (the missionaries)
should be given to the following already covered under the Sub-themes of Work
and Service
of formal education by building schools like Mengo S.S.
up medical centres
new Agricultural methods
the good news of salvation
African religious including Adrian Atman, Apollo Kivebulaya.
for the abolition of slave
new skins in life like carpentry
out baptism
the Bible into languages
in reconciling hostile tribes e.g. Buganda
up mission stations such as at Bagamoyo
up catechical centres
Christian Involvement in the
Old Testament
is acknowledged as the only creator and the Lord everything concerned welfare
of man (Isaiah 44:9-20).
made the human beings both male and female in his own image. This opened tor
man to respond to God in faith. (Genesis I: 27-30).
the good relationship between man and God was brought to an abrupt disobeyed
the simple command God had given them. They ate the forbidden fruit(Genesis 3:
1 ff)
bring man nearer to him, God called Abraham who responded with absolute faith,
obedience and trust (Genesis 11 ff).
also called Moses to fulfill his promise of setting his chosen people free from
their slavery in Egyptian slavery (Exodus 3: 1 ff).
the Israelites were finally liberated from their slavery, God expected them to
respond to him with obedience (Exodus 6:1 ff)
At the foot Mount Sinai, God initiated a new
relationship between him and his chosen special people- the Israelites. He made
a covenant with the Israelites and this became
the basis of their relationship.
part of the covenant, God gave the Commandments to the Israelites. The first
three laws were concerned with the vertical between
God and the Israelites the remaining seven dealt with the horizontal
relationship among the Israelites.
were urged to worship only God (monotheism) as their ancestor started when he
was caned.
called for love and respect among the Israelites. Being the chosen people, God
expected the Israelites to show good examples to other nations. (Exodus 22: 21
- 22).
when the Israelites turned to and worshipped, they disobeyed and rebelled
against their own God. For their disobedience and rebellion, God was still
wining to continue them, but with warnings against such acts.
Israel's unfaithfulness, God continued to love her. In the symbolical and
disastrous prophet Hosea and his unfaithful wife Goma, God showed his
willingness to keep for himself forever (Hosea 1: 1 ff)"
was continually present among the Israelites through his prophets including
Elijah, Amos and Jeremiah. He expected the Israelites to respond to them with
the Israelites were required to respond in faith to their own God-Yahweh (Isaiah
39: 1-8)
Psalms 100, the Israelites expressed their faith by worshipping and adoring God
as remembered his saving acts.
in Psalms 139, God is presented as making the people to respond to him
positively in obedience.
promised the messiah to the Israelites. He would come as a saviour because of
the already existing sins of man (Isaiah 1 I: 1- 12).
the Prophets were Involved In Israel
were God's spokespersons. God called, anointed commissioned them to go to the
people Israel who had become disobedience, rebellious and unrepentant in their
involvement, the prophets did the following.
prophets encouraged and helped to restore monotheism (the worshiping of only
caned for repentance among the people of Israel. For example, Prophet Elijah
King Ahab to repent and turn hack God.
prophets performed miracles. Elijah raised a widow's son while he was in the
wilderness during the reign of King Ahab.
prophets purified the land of Israel that had been defiled by foreign religious
practices like worshipping idols.
prophets predicted the future of Israel. For example, Prophet Amos talked
period when Israel would be taken into exile and indeed they were taken to
Babylon (Amos 7:17).
prophets portrayed God's love for Israel. Prophet Hosea dramatized God's love
for Israel by marrying a prostitute named Gomer (Hosea 1:1 ff).
prophets encouraged Israel to place their confidence and trust in Yahweh protection.
Prophet Isaiah urged King Ahaz to withdraw from his alliance with the emperor
of and trust in God for his protection.
prophets called tor fairness among the people of Israel by condemning social
injustices corruption in the courts of law.
prophets appointed and anointed political and religious leaders in Israel for example
Elijah anointed Jehu as a King of Israel and Elisha to replace him as a
of the prophets acted as advisors to the Kings of Israel. For example, advised
King David about his pain of building a temple tor God (1 Samuel 7:1 ff)
Involvement in the New Testament
the love that God had mankind, he sent his only begotten son to come and their
own salvation (John 1: 1 . 6)
became human through incarnation to bring salvation mankind. He purposely came
to establish the father's kingdom here on earth.
Jesus is Emmanuel. He revealed the presence of God among the people (God is
with us).
declared in public that he was the son of God who had come in order for mankind
to achieve salvation (John 15: 19: ff) .
identify himself with the people, Jesus under took water baptism, though
sinless, and a voice of God introduced him as his son with whom he was pleased
(Mark 1:9)
Jesus put the will of the father the goal of his life, he overcame the temptation
by (Mathew 4: 2-11).
went on to live with the people in order to serve better. He is seen feasting
with the people in the wedding. Jesus feasted with the five thousand people.
declared himself as a servant who had come to serve but not to be served. He
went on and humbled himself to do the work done by slaves to the amazement of
his disciples, washed their feet (John 13: 1 ff).
expected the followers to respect of human authority in the service of God
human beings. When tested about the payment of tax, Jesus was quick enough to
say to Ceaser what belongs to Ceaser and to God what belongs to God"
(Mathew 22: 15 -22)
gave authority to his disciples to continue preaching the good news of
salvation wait for his return (Mark 15:6 ff)
identified himself to the followers as being the truth, way and light that they
were waiting for. 'There tore, he expected everyone to respond to him with
urged everyone to live a life of forgiveness He showed that reconciliation
unites man with one another and God (Mathew 526).
attacked condemned the religious leaders for over emphasizing the observation
of laws including the Sabbath at the expense of human life. He clarified that
the laws were meant for man but not man for them (Mark 3 1- 6).
preached the good news to his followers. Despite opposition, he knew that it
was his duty to bring salvation to mankind (Mark 1: 38-39). Jesus' inevitable
death on the cross for the sins of humanity summed up his life as a role model. He gave his life for the salvation
of everyone (Mark 15: 10 15).
on the cross, Jesus appeared truly son of God. Ha gave up his spirit unto to
the father a situation that looked hopeless.
Jesus' resurrection, the every believer is given a life full of hope, joy and
meaning. This became the climax of his involvement in the affairs of human
beings. (Hebrews 11: 1-16, 32 - 40).
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A complete talking Book for Uganda certificate of Education