Shop Steward

This is a person who serves as a representative of the members of the trade union and acts as a link between workers and the union and also between the workers and employers.

Functions of a shop steward

  • Ensures that the agreement signed between the union and management are not violated. .
  • Defends the rights of the trade union members.
  • Collects union dues.
  • Represents members': problem to the employer i.e. ads as a mouth piece through which the employees channel their grievances.
  • Keeps in constant contact with the union officials.
  • Settles minor problems of the members that may not require the attention of the management.
  • Keeps members informed of union activities and other matters affecting them.
  • Attends union meetings and takes part in running the union affairs
  • Implements union policies on behalf of the members
  • Recruits members for the union.
  • Negotiates for better wages for members with management.
  • Ensures the improvements for health and safety conditions of the members.