Methods used by trade unions to achieve their objectives
- Collective bargaining:- The unionists may meet with the administration/employers and amicably discuss issues regarding wages, wage Benefits and conditions of work.
- Boycott of products:- Unionists may convince the general public not to buy the products of a particular industry or firm until it responds to their demand.
- Go slow process:- This involves slowing down production process by workers to cause a decline in labour productivity and a loss to the employers,
- Press war/propaganda:- The unionists may approach journalists and get their demand clearly spelt out in order to attract public sympathy,
- Seminars:- Unionists may convene seminars in which the management is convinced about the necessity of wage increase,
- Education and training:- Unionist may organise for their member to increase their skills and knowledge through training so as to raise productivity in order to justify wage increase,
- Industrial court action: The workers can present their case to an industrial Court for litigation.
- Arbitration:- The workers may engage a third party to mediate in the dispute between them and the management.
- Strike action:- This is usually the last resort when workers stay out of work in order to force management to address their problems,