The authority of the prophets


The great authority with which prophets confronted their people, leaders and rulers came from their absolute conviction that they spoke and acted for God. We have already seen this authority demonstrated in the very early prophets. The prophet had experience of God in a personal and immediate way, and knew it. To the prophet, the power and the will of God had been directly revealed. Because of his personal relationship with God which was based on his personal experience of God, the prophet was totally committed to serving God in whatever way was revealed to him. He went to anyone he was sent to, without taking into account any personal danger which might result. His own life and actions witnessed to his faith; we find condemnation of those who claim to be prophets of God but whose lives and actions do not witness to the covenant faith and Law. There is nothing stereotyped about the great prophets; each man was an instrument of God according to his own temperament, talents and situation. Each was called directly by God in a specific situation. There was no hereditary prophetic office. The charismatic authority which we saw in the earlier prophets and in the early leaders continued in the great prophets.