Mark 16:1-8. The Resurrection
In the oldest form in
which the gospel of Mark exists, it ends abruptly at verse 8 and the Greek
seems to have been interrupted. In some ancient manuscripts the gospel
narrative has been completed by an account of Jesus' appearances after his
Resurrection, added after verse 8 and in a clearly different style of writing
from that of Mark. The Church accepted this ending, which consists of material
reflecting passages from the gospel of Luke and Acts, but Mark's own writing
ends at 16:8.
There are three
theories about the ending of Mark's gospel at 16:8:
(i) That Mark did stop
writing there although it was a very abrupt way to end,
(ii) That Mark did not
actually write any more but intended to and was in some way prevented from
finishing his gospel,
(iii) That Mark wrote
more after verse 8 but the end of the papyrus roll on which he had written was
lost or tom off before it had circulated around his readers.
Whatever did actually
happen, the climax of the whole gospel is reached in 16:1-8, when the women
discover the empty tomb and receive the message that Jesus was raised from
death. The whole faith and life of the Church was based on the truth of the