8:12-20. Jesus the Light of the world
In this passage which begins with another great 'I AM'
saying, the ideas of witness (8:13-14),
truth (8:14), judgement (8:15-16) and the divine control over time
(8:20), recur. The underlying question
which is asked throughout chapter 8 is how we can know that the claims of
Christ are true. The divine claim requires divine witness to support it. What
the Pharisees said in 8: 13 was correct in an entirely human situation; because
a man says that he comes from God that in itself is no proof that he is telling
the truth. Something recognizable as spiritual evidence or divine witness- in
the man is necessary. What Jesus said (8:14-19)
meant that if the Pharisees knew God's will and nature as they claimed to, they
would recognize God's truth in Jesus, as others such as the disciples, the Samaritan
woman and the government official had done.