7:10-24. Jesus at the Feast of Shelters
Jesus' absence from the first days of the Festival
was noticed both by the Jewish religious leaders and by the 'ordinary people (7: 1 0-13). He arrived inconspicuously
half-way through and began to teach the crowds in the Temple courtyards (7: 14). The comment of the religious
leaders in 7: 15 reflects the thought
of Mark 1:22 and is answered by Jesus'
affirmation of his divine authority (7: 16-18).
Jesus then challenged the leaders (7: 19)
and was declared to be demon-possessed (7:20, Mark 3:22).
What follows in 7:21-24
shows that what had particularly angered the leaders was the healing of the
cripple on the Sabbath (5:8-10).
It was allowed by the rabbis that circumcision could be performed on the
Sabbath, thereby breaking one law to keep another. If they could accept this,
why could they not accept the restoration to health and life of a severely
handicapped man as right use of the Sabbath?