7:25-35. The first attempt to arrest Jesus
That the crowds were divided in their reactions to
Jesus has already been indicated in 7: 12 and 20;
some believed in him (7:31) but others rejected him, referring to a widespread
idea that the Messiah would suddenly appear, his origins mysteriously hidden.
Throughout chapter 7, narrow religious interpretations and prejudices blind the
Jews to the truth in Jesus (7:28-29).
The Pharisees caught up with the rumours that Jesus
was the Messiah and tried to arrest him (7:32)
but they were unable to, as is shown later in 7:45-46;
once again, John indicates to his readers that events in the ministry of Jesus
were controlled by God's time, not by the will of men and the time scale of the
world. Jesus foretold his return to his Father through his death and
Resurrection (7:33-34) but his listeners
failed completely to understand what he said (7:35-36).
The words of the Jewish leaders were an unconscious prediction on their part of
the taking of the Gospel to the Gentiles.