Preparation for Marriage

Preparing the young ones for marriage began at puberty stage. This was the period that the boys and girls appeared to be ready for marriage life.

The boys were taught by their uncles and the girls by their aunts. The teaching involved marriage related issues,

    The girls were taught to keep their virginity. Virginity proved toe moral uprightness of the girl.

  The girl was also taught motherly experiences including menstruation, breast feeding and giving birth.

  In some cultures, there were initiation ceremonies like circumcision. Among the Bagisu, male children were circumcised to show their maturity and readiness for marriage.

    The boys were encouraged to identify potential partners and inform the uncles or parents accordingly

    In some societies, the girls ready for marriage were kept away from the public. During this isolation, she was made to undergo the process of beautification.

    The families of the boy and the girl were introduced to each other. This involved declaring marriage intention,

      The boy's family would arrange bride wealth and inform the family of the girl about their readiness.

      The girl's family was expected to respond to the declared intention of marrying their daughter.

      On the day of the marriage ceremony, the groom's family presented gifts to the family of the bride. Hems like domestic animals, back cloth and alcoholic drinks were among those delivered.

      In some cultures, the boy and the girl would be allowed to have the first sexual intercourse on that day under the supervision of the aunt.

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A complete talking Book for Uganda certificate of Education