Problems faced by groundnut farmers:-
• Limited capital among the farmers.
• Continuous soil erosion leading to poor yields.
• Over production which leads to the floating of the crop on the World market.
• Price fluctuations which causes much losses to farmer thus leaving them frustrated.
• Limited local market due to competition of producing as all people in Gambia and other neighboring countries produce the same crop.
• Congestion at port Banjul as the only port.
• Easy spread of diseases due to Monoculture.
• Continuous soil erosion leading to poor yields.
• Over production which leads to the floating of the crop on the World market.
• Price fluctuations which causes much losses to farmer thus leaving them frustrated.
• Limited local market due to competition of producing as all people in Gambia and other neighboring countries produce the same crop.
• Congestion at port Banjul as the only port.
• Easy spread of diseases due to Monoculture.