Measuring Directions and Bearings on Maps

To describe  the direction of a place from another, we use compass points. There are 16 points which are marked on the compass. They can be seen on the diagram below.



To calculate the bearing between two places i.e. the bearing of  M from P, the following can be followed.

1.   Identify the two places on map i.e M and P.

2.   Draw a line joining the two places.

3.   Draw a North line through the point where there is a word from for this case it is P.

4.   Measure the angle  between the north line  and the line joining M and P clockwise

5.   State the bearing in 3 figure form.

Finding the hemisphere in which the area of the map is located

To find the hemisphere in which the area shown on a map is found, use the latitude which are printed  on the vertical sides of the map extract i.e. if it is in the northern hemisphere, you find the writings such  140' N. If it is in the southern hemisphere, it will be 140' S.