Relationship Between Geographical Phenomena or Aspects
Relationships between relief and drainage:
Streams flow from highlands areas towards lowlands
Rivers flow gently /slowly on very gentle /relatively flat land area
Lowlands or basins are occupied by lakes and swamps.
Straight rivers or stream courses are found in narrow V- shaped valleys on steep slopes.
Rivers meanders are found in lowlands.
Flood plains characterized by ox-bow lakes, marshes, meanders are found in lowlands.
Gentle slopes or hill tops are well drained.
Drainage patterns like radial drainage patterns are found on mountains.
Areas around lakes have centripetal drainage pattern.
Relationship between drainage and settlement
Poorly drained areas have little or no settlement.
Well drained areas tend to attract dense settlement.
Lake shores and water courses in dry area tend to attract settlement.
Relationship between drainage and transport routes /communication.
Transport routes tend to avoid poorly drained areas.
Well drained areas always attract even distribution of communication lines.
Lakes always attract canoes or ferry services (water, transport routes)
Rivers or streams attract bridges and culverts.
Bridges and culverts are constructed across rivers.
Relationship between drainage and agriculture
Swampy areas are properly utilized for the growing of crops like rice and coco yams as for the case of Uganda. However, the National environmental Management Authority threatens them all the time.
Sugar cane growing is also common in the lowlands since the crop requires a lot of water.
The slopes are used for the growing of tea especially the well drained parts of the gentle slope.
Hill tops tend to have laterite caps and therefore discourage crop growth but they produce good pasture for Pastoralism.
Relationship between communication and relief
Rugged relief /steep slopes discourage the construction of transport routes/are generally avoided.
Roads are found on much more steeper gradients than railways.
Roads wind around steep slopes or bend to dodge steep slopes.
Lowlands liable to flooding always discourage the construction of transport routes (are always avoided by communication lines)
Dense transport network are found on gentle slopes or broad valleys and flatlands which are well drained i.e. for Road and Railway transport only.
Flat areas always have straight transport lines.
Foot pattern are found in highlands
Roads are found along foot hills
Bridges, culverts are constructed across river valleys.
Lake basins are crossed by rivers
Air fields/strips are constructed in flat lowland areas /found on flatland.
Relationship between communication and settlement
Areas with good transport network are densely populated.
Sparsely populated areas tend to discourage the construction of transport routes.
Roads and railways tend to have linear settlement pattern.
Remote areas are sparsely populated
Relationship between relief and settlement
Settlements are few /scattered in the highland areas with steep slopes.
Hilltops are generally a voided.
Gentle slopes/relatively flat lands command dense settlement
Lowlands which are poorly drained are avoided for settlement.
Foot hills have dense settlement
Relationship between relief and agriculture
Gentle slopes are used for plantations for example tea sugar cane etc. because they are well drained.
Relatively flat areas are used for plantations ( e.g. sugar cane, cotton etc.)
Hill tops are avoided, or are used for grazing.
Steep slopes discourage farming because soils are infertile.
Valleys are avoided because they are poorly drained.
Relationship between relief, vegetation and drainage.
Valleys which are poorly drained discourage settlement.
Well drained flat and gentle sloping areas always attract settlement.
Flat lands are fairly well drained and this always attract forest and savannah vegetation.
Steep slopes are well drained and this and always attract forest vegetation.
Valleys tend to be poorly drained and they always have swamps vegetation and riverine forests.
Relationship between relief and land use.
Landforms like hills, mountains, lakes rift valleys, and water falls are sources of tourist attraction.
Gentle slopes tend to be put under cultivation and settlement.
Steep slopes tend to be left to quarrying.
Plateau or flat lands tend to be easily settled.
Relief landforms are sometimes used as boundaries.
Flatlands encourage the construction of transport routes.
Relationship between drainage and land use
Well drained slopes have encouraged the development of communication lines.
Well drained soils have given rise to agriculture.
Gentle slopes which are well drained attract settlement.
Rivers generally forms boundaries
Valleys which are poorly drained are left to swamp vegetation.