16:16-33. Jesus prepares to leave the disciples

The enigmatic saying of 16:16 which could be understood only after the Resurrection, caused bewilderment amongst the disciples. (16:17-18). They could not understand that his death was imminent. What Jesus then said referred to the great sorrow which the disciples were about to experience but which would be turned into joy by the Resurrection (16:19-22). Jesus would be able to give them more teaching after his Resurrection, when, as the risen Christ, he would be able to speak to them more plainly about God than they were able to understand before his death, 16 :23-28. In his Resurrection would be the ultimate witness that he was the Son of the Father. 'When that day comes' the disciples will be brought into a new relationship with the Father and the Son and will be able to pray to the Father for whatever is in accordance with their belief in Christ.

The disciples thought they understood what Jesus meant although they did not (16:29-30); they were warned that the time had come when they would be scattered, leaving Jesus (16:31-32). Jesus' final words of the discourse were about his victory over the world 16:33).
