19:31-37. The piercing of Jesus' side

In this incident, John first emphasizes that Jesus did really die, but his second emphasis brings us to the spiritual significance of Jesus' death, and thirdly, we come to the evidence of the eye-witness who saw Jesus die and who gave his witness so that others might believe.

In 3:5 and 6:53-56, water and blood have already been associated with the giving of life to others.


In the pouring out of the water and blood from Jesus' body there was the profound symbol of life pouring out into the world for all mankind to receive. From Christ's self-sacrifice, there flowed out the cleansing water of baptism and the life-giving blood of the Eucharist; many verses in the gospel can be associated with this thought, such as 4:14, 7:37-39, 13:8 and 15:3.

In the piercing of Jesus' side John sees the fulfillment of Zechariah 12: 10.

When the legs of Jesus' body were not broken by the soldiers, this was seen to fulfill the requirements of the perfect sacrifice (Exodus 12:46). Jesus was the true Lamb of God (1:29).

The witness of 'one who saw this happen is given in 19:35 and we may suggest that this was the beloved disciple, (19:26).