13:31-38. A new commandment

Jesus' words immediately after Judas' departure show that he knew it would be only a matter of hours before he was taken to his death, to his 'glory' (13 :31-32) and he began to give the disciples the final teaching of his earthly ministry. They, of course, did not realize this and were very puzzled when Jesus said that they could not go where he was going (13:33 and 36). He gave them the new commandment (13:34-35). 'Love one another' was in itself not a new commandment (Leviticus 19: 18) but what was new was its relationship to Jesus' example. 'As I have loved you, so you must love one another.' The disciples would not grasp the full meaning of this until later. Christ's love went out not only to those who returned his love but to those who responded with hatred, hostility, ingratitude, contempt and abuse. That kind of love went far beyond the love of a Jew for his fellow Jews, as commanded in the Law.

Peter's questions of 13:36-37 reflected the incomprehension of the disciples about what was really happening at the Last Supper. All four gospels record Jesus' prediction of Peter's later denial of him (13:38).
