1:21-28. Authority and exorcism in Capernaum
The extraordinary
authority of Jesus was noticed immediately he preached in the synagogue at
Capernaum on a Sabbath (l: 21-22). An even greater manifestation of this
authority was in the exorcism of a demon when a demon-possessed man interrupted
the Sabbath worship (l: 23-27). There was no ritual but only one brief command
from Jesus. 'Be quiet and come out of the man!' Mark gives his readers the
first indication of the 'Messianic secret' which is a feature of his gospel.
The demon-possessed man knew that in Jesus was the power of God and that he was
able to destroy evil (1 :24), but the man, after his restoration to sanity was
not to spread the wrong idea around, that Jesus was the Messiah of popular
expectation, the political liberator who could rouse the nation with his
wonder-working powers. But 1:28 records the fast spread of the news about
extraordinary happenings in Capernaum.