12:1-12. The parable of the tenants in the vineyard
This is the longest
parable in Mark's gospel and is treated allegorically, each point symbolizing
something significant, unlike the brief parables which concentrate on one
pointed saying. The meaning is clear enough. The owner represented God, the
vineyard was Israel, the tenants the unfaithful Jews, the slaves the prophets
and the son Jesus. The parable begins with words similar to those of Isaiah 5:
1-2; in 12: 10-11 words are quoted from Psalm 118:22-23. This quotation is also
found in 1 Peter 2:7 and in both Mark's gospel and Peter's letter .it is clear
that the rejected stone represents Jesus. The Jewish leaders understood that
the parable condemned them; they tried to arrest Jesus but were afraid of the
crowd who were listening to him.