11:12-14 and 20-25. A fig-tree
This difficult passage may be understood as an acted parable, rather similar in meaning to the parable of Luke 13:6-9 about a fig-tree which produced no fruit although it was left in the garden for some years. This fig-tree represents those whose lives produced no good fruit.
a healthy fig tree
The fig-tree of 11:12-14 looked healthy but produced no fruit and on the next day had withered up. What looked promising was merely deceptive and did not fulfill its promise. In 11: 22-25 Jesus taught about the need for faith which bears 'fruit' (compare James 2:14-26).
a withered fig tree
The meaning of the whole
passage is that God is not deceived by outward religiosity which hides inner
spiritual deadness, a warning not only to the Jewish leaders of Jerusalem but
to all Christians.