The blessings and curses as Moses described in this
chapter are within the entire setting of Israel's community.
Each individual was required to make a choice between
blessings and curses. They had either to obey the Lord and be blessed or to
disobey him and be cursed.
Moses first spelt out the requirements or the conditions
upon which the blessings and the curses would be attained. These requirements
are directly related to Israel's obligations towards God.
Moses said that obedience to the Lord would be rewarded
with blessing to the people of Israel in the land they were about to occupy.
Besides, Moses urged the Israelites to serve the Lord
their God faithfully and keep His commands in order for them to be blessed.
The Israelites were required to maintain theocracy if
they were to be blessed. God had to feature in all their activities and
therefore, they had to live as the chosen people.
Moses told the Israelites that blessings would be' on
their way if they would serve the Lord alone. This was a call for monotheism
among the Israelites.
However, Moses observed that Israel would be cursed as
result of their disobedience, serving other gods and failing to keep His
Therefore, the following were part of the blessings that
Israel would receive from the Lord, their own God.
According to Moses, the Lord would make Israel greater
than any other nation on earth. Besides, the Lord promised to bless Israel with
many children. This meant that they would multiply as a result of the Lord
blessing them with the fertility of the body. In this case, they would have
well established families.
Moses 'stressed that the Lord would bless Israel with
abundant crops, cattle and sheep.
Therefore, they would live in prosperity.
Moses also promised the Israelites that the Lord would
bless everything that they would do. Therefore, this meant that all their
activities would be successful.
Moses assured the people that the Lord would help them to
defeat their enemies. Even when they would be attacked from one direction, the
enemies would retreat and be scattered in all directions.
The Lord would equally bless Israel's work and for this
reason, they would have enough corn. This would be crowned by blessing the land
being given to them.
Moses stressed that Israel be God's own people as He had
promised them through their ancestors. By fulfilling this promise, all the
people on earth would realize that indeed they were His chosen people and for
this matter fear them.
The Lord promised to make Israel the leader among all the
nations. Therefore, the Israelites would be rulers but not followers.
Israel would always prosper in the land they were about
to occupy. Because of this, they would never fail in life. .
Moses assured the Israelites that they would be honoured
and respected by their neighbours for the Lord would make them famous
throughout their history.
Moses assured the people of Israel that they would be
blessed with better health. For this reason, they would live for a long time.
However, Moses proceeded to give a warning to the people
of Israel about the dangers of their disobedience towards the Lord and their
unfaithfulness to H is commands.
Moses said that the lord would curse Israel's towns and
fields. This meant that there would be shortage of food.
The Lord would curse Israel by giving her a few children,
few cattle and sheep. This meant that there would be infertility in Israel's
The people's crops would equally be poor. They would sow
plenty of seeds but only to reap a small harvest for the Lord would send
drought and scorching wind to destroy them and the locust would eat them up.
The Lord would bring disaster on to His own people. There
would be confusion and trouble in their activities until their complete
Besides, the Lord would send diseases on to the
Israelites. They would suffer from infectious diseases, swelling and fever.
Their bodies would break with sores and the bodies would itch yet there would
be no cure.
There would be no rain in the land Israel was about to be
given. This would make their land become as hard as iron. Instead, the Lord
would send dust storms and sand storms to destroy the people.
Moses said that Israel would be defeated by her enemies.
The Lord would withdraw His protection and support and instead give their
enemies victory over them.
Moses told the Israelites that they would fail in any of
their activities. This failure would make their lives meaningless.
The people of Israel would die with no one to bury them.
Instead, the birds and the wild animals would eat their bodies with no one to
scare them off.
Israel would be constantly oppressed and robbed and yet
there would be no one to help her out. This implied that the lord would abandon
His own people.
Israel's sons and daughters would be given away as slaves
to foreigners in their presence. They would strain their eyes looking for them
every day but never would they return.
Israel and her king would be taken away to a foreign
land. While there, they would be treated harshly and forced to serve the gods
made of wood and stones'. Besides, they also would make fun of and ridicule
them. This implied that Israel would lose her independence.