Introduction to the Book of Deutronomy
The book of
Deuteronomy deals with a series of addresses that Moses gave to the people of
Israel when they were in the land of Moab.
The book contains the sermons that Moses delivered to the
Israelites as they were preparing to enter and occupy Canaan- the land promised
to them through their ancestor Abraham. Besides, in giving his sermons or
addresses, Moses directs his attention towards the laws given to the Israelites
contained in the books of Exodus and Leviticus.
It was also about this time when Moses was about to die.
Therefore, this being the last days of Moses' life, it was important that he
had to give some instructions particularly on the moral of the people of Israel.
The Lord commanded Moses to remind His people on how they
had to conduct themselves upon settling in Canaan. This was necessary to help
guide their relationship with each other and with their God Yahweh in the new
land they were about to occupy.
The main themes in the book include:
The theme of love (6, 7, 8, 11)
The act of Herem (total destruction of
Israel's enemies (DeutZ)
Israel's responsibilities and obligation
(Deut 10)
The Lords' goodness and greatness- the
divine election of Israel (Deut 11)
Offering the first fruits or the first
harvest (Deut 26)
Blessings and Curses (Deut 28)