(Deuteronomy 6:1ff and 10:12ft)
The covenant relationship between God and Israel required
commitment on both sides. For the Israelites, the lord expected them to lead a
practical way of live in order for this relationship to be maintained. This
meant that failure to meet their obligations would cause disaster on their side
particularly the loss of the promised blessings.
Moses urged the people of Israel to obey the commandments
that God had given them while in the land they were about to enter and occupy.
For their obedience, they would become the 'mighty nation and live in the rich
fertile land the lord had promised their ancestors.
Besides, Moses instructed the Israelites to obey the lord
their God and urged them to stop being stubborn. By doing this, Moses assured
the people that they would live for long in their land.
The Israelites were expected to worship God alone.
Therefore, they were called upon to observe monotheism just like their
ancestors Abraham, Isaac and Jacob so that they would remain God's children.
Moses showed them that worshipping other gods would lead to their complete
Israelites were required to love the Lord their God. They
were to do this with all their heart, soul and strength.
Moses urged the Israelites to always remember the
commandments they were being given. They were to teach their children about
these commandments and make them the basis of their lives.
Moses urged the Israelites to serve God with a lot of
commitment. In this case, the Israelites were expected to be sincere and loyal
while serving Him.
Moses urged Israel to recognize the supremacy of the Lord
their God over all other gods and over all power.
Moses told the Israelites to remember the greatness of
the Lord upon settling in the Promised Land. In His greatness, Israel was
expected to fear the Lord who had rescued them from Egypt where they were
Israel was required to treat the disadvantaged including
the orphans and the widows fairly and to love the foreigners for they were also
once foreigners in Egypt.
Israel was also required to be faithful to the lord and
only to make her promises in his name alone.
Moses urged Israel to praise the Lord their God for they
were witnesses to the great things He had done for them. Accordingly, the lord
had rescued them from their Egyptian slavery and had now made them numerous
like the stars in the sky.
NOTE: Consider the responsibilities and obligations as
contained in the Sinai. Covenant.